Welcome to Volume 19 of Empower Now

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We are pleased to announce the latest volume of the Empower Now e-Magazine is dedicated to Harnessing the Power of the People Worldwide.

We want to see change on our planet to fight the cycle of poverty and give children around the world the opportunity to go to school, see a doctor and eat nutritious food.  Our featured article is about the More Than Me Foundation, an organization that the Asteria Philanthropic Foundation has collaborated with to get girls off the street and into school in Monrovia, Liberia.  Education provides a way to harness the power of the people to create positive and lasting change in their country.

People are the key to change for our future.  In recent years more and more people are coming together to fight for change for the better.  Protests have been led to voice disappointment with lack of progress and to bring about changes in certain policies, educational systems, the government, rises in taxes, and so on.  It is important to know that any one individual can create positive change in his or her community.  Please read the articles in this volume that reflect on the power of individuals, even children, who made a major impact on the lives of others by speaking up and effecting change.

Volume 19 can be read here: http://club-asteria.us/EN/Volume19/


Andrea Lucas
Managing Director

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