[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-08-01

Sunday, July 31, 2011

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In this issue:
* How and Why Wall Street Programmers Earn Top Salaries
* Foxconn To Employ 1 Million Robots
* Galaxy Tab 10.1 Vs. iPad 2 Review
* Study Compares IQ With Browser Choice
* Windows XP PCs Breed Rootkit Infections
* PayPal Hands Over 1,000 IP Addresses To the FBI
* Volunteer Towns Sought For Nuclear Waste
* Hackers Could Open Convicts' Cells In Prisons
* SFPD Arrests Suspect In Airbnb Rental Trashing
* Ubuntu One Hits the Million Users Mark

| How and Why Wall Street Programmers Earn Top Salaries
| from the are-they-holding-the-economy-ransom dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday July 30, @23:06 (Businesses)
| with 600 comments
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/003239/How-and-Why-Wall-Street-Programmers-Earn-Top-Salaries?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

msmoriarty writes "Given the level of interest in the recent
[0]highest-paid programmers discussion, our reporter decided to do a
follow-up looking into the [1]languages and skills needed to work on
high-frequency trading systems. There's actually a pretty wide range of
languages/tools used, but Linux is the 'default' OS and, not
surprisingly, the 'ability to work under pressure when the traders are
screaming at you' is a must-have skill."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/06/01/0158240/Taking-a-Look-At-High-End-Programmer-Salaries
1. http://adtmag.com/articles/2011/07/29/why-hft-programmers-earn-top-salaries.aspx

| Foxconn To Employ 1 Million Robots
| from the we-will-teach-them-sorrow-and-pain dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday July 31, @02:21 (China)
| with 319 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/07/30/2355258/Foxconn-To-Employ-1-Million-Robots?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

hackingbear writes "Taiwanese technology giant Foxconn will [0]replace
some of its workers with 1 million robots in three years to cut rising
labor expenses and improve efficiency. Foxconn, the world's largest maker
of computer components, which assembles products for Apple, Sony and
Nokia, employing 1 million (human) laborers in mainland China, is in the
spotlight after a string of [1]suicides of workers at its massive Chinese
plants. As labor regulations tighten up in China, human laborers
demanding wage rises become replaceable."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2011-07/30/c_131018764.htm
1. http://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/05/21/205203/Ninth-Suicide-At-iPhone-Factory

| Galaxy Tab 10.1 Vs. iPad 2 Review
| from the head-to-head dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @16:49 (Android)
| with 299 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/1922218/Galaxy-Tab-101-Vs-iPad-2-Review?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

DeviceGuru writes "DeviceGuru's 10-inch tablet smackdown pits
[0]Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 against Apple's iPad 2. At price parity the
iPad 2 is probably a better bet for the average user since it's a more
stable, near-perfect device with a rich assortment of apps for nearly
every possible function you'd like to perform on a tablet, reasons the
post. However, with the Samsung tablet's cost of goods rumored to be
around $215 versus $260 for the iPad 2 for comparable models, Samsung
could drop its 10-inch tablet's price to $425 and pose a serious
challenge to Apple's device. But will they...?"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://deviceguru.com/galaxy-tab-10-1-vs-ipad2-smackdown/

| Study Compares IQ With Browser Choice
| from the using-a-stupid-blocker dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @13:27 (The Internet)
| with 278 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/161200/Study-Compares-IQ-With-Browser-Choice?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]rennerik writes "A recent study of 100,000 people taking IQ tests
[1]compared the scores with which browser the person uses on a regular
basis. On average, Internet Explorer users fared the worst, with IE6
users at the bottom of the pile and IE8 users performing slightly better.
Firefox, Chrome and Safari fell in the middle with little difference
between them. IE with Chrome Frame and Camino landed on top, along with
Opera, whose users scored the highest"

Discuss this story at:

0. https://plus.google.com/112325604235706719269
1. http://www.pcworld.com/article/236944/internet_explorer_users_are_kinda_stupid_study_suggests.html

| Windows XP PCs Breed Rootkit Infections
| from the update-please dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @11:45 (Security)
| with 193 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/1356217/Windows-XP-PCs-Breed-Rootkit-Infections?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]CWmike writes "Machines running the decade-old Windows XP [1]make up a
huge reservoir of infected PCs that can spread malware to other systems,
a Czech antivirus company said. Windows XP computers are infected with
rootkits out of proportion to the operating system's market share,
according to data released Thursday by Avast Software, which surveyed
more than 600,000 Windows PCs. While XP now accounts for about 58% of all
Windows systems in use, 74% of the rootkit infections found by Avast were
on XP machines. Avast attributed the infection disparity between XP and
Windows 7 to a pair of factors: The widespread use of pirated copies of
the former and the latter's better security. Vlcek assumed that many of
the people running XP SP2, which [2]Microsoft stopped supporting with
security patches a year ago, have declined to update to the
still-supported SP3 because they are running counterfeits."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://twitter.com/mikeatcw
1. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9218722/Windows_XP_PCs_breed_rootkit_infections
2. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9178378/Most_firms_face_security_red_alert_as_XP_SP2_s_retirement_looms

| PayPal Hands Over 1,000 IP Addresses To the FBI
| from the naughty-list dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @09:58 (Security)
| with 190 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/122235/PayPal-Hands-Over-1000-IP-Addresses-To-the-FBI?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]tekgoblin writes "PayPal was attacked by Anonymous last year when they
had blocked the Wikileaks accounts transactions. Now PayPal has finally
come up with enough evidence to strike back at Anonymous with the help of
the FBI. PayPal has come up with [1]a list of over 1,000 IP Addresses
left behind when they were attacked by Anonymous."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.twitter.com/tekgoblin
1. http://www.tekgoblin.com/2011/07/30/paypal-hands-over-1000-ip-addresses-to-the-fbi-look-out-anonymous/

| Volunteer Towns Sought For Nuclear Waste
| from the not-all-at-once dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @18:28 (Earth)
| with 171 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/211251/Volunteer-Towns-Sought-For-Nuclear-Waste?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Brian Wingfield writes in Bloomberg that the Blue
Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future has sent a draft report to
Energy Secretary Steven Chu recommending that [1]US communities should be
encouraged to vie for becoming a federal nuclear-waste site as a way to
end a decades-long dilemma over disposing of spent radioactive fuel and
says this 'consent-based' approach will help cut costs and end delays
caused when the federal government picks a site over the objections of
local residents, 'This means [2]encouraging communities to volunteer
(PDF) to be considered to host a new nuclear-waste management facility,'
says the commission. Chu named the panelists after [3]Obama canceled
plans to build a permanent repository at Nevada's Yucca Mountain after
the Yucca site was opposed by politicians from the state. 'The United
States has traveled nearly 25 years down the current path only to come to
a point where continuing to rely on the same approach seems destined to
bring further controversy, litigation, and protracted delay,' says the
report. The Blue Ribbon Commission [4]cited as a 'success' the US Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico, which has accepted and
disposed of some defense-related nuclear waste for more than a decade
demonstrating that that 'nuclear wastes can be transported safely over
long distances and placed securely in a deep, mined repository.' With the
right incentives, 'there will be a great deal of support' for a waste
site near the New Mexico facility, says former Senator Pete Domenici."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-29/volunteer-towns-sought-to-accept-u-s-nuclear-waste-by-obama-panel.html
2. http://www.brc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/brc_draft_report_29jul2011_0.pdf
3. http://www.usnews.com/news/washington-whispers/articles/2009/02/26/reid-celebrates-obamas-yucca-mountain-decision
4. http://www.wipp.energy.gov/

| Hackers Could Open Convicts' Cells In Prisons
| from the need-firewalls-to-go-with-those-real-walls dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday July 31, @08:14 (Security)
| with 166 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/0435207/Hackers-Could-Open-Convicts-Cells-In-Prisons?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Some of the same vulnerabilities that the Stuxnet
superworm used to sabotage centrifuges at a nuclear plant in Iran exist
in the country's top high-security prisons where programmable logic
controllers (PLCs) control locks on cells and other facility doors.
Researchers have already [1]written three exploits for PLC
vulnerabilities they found. 'Most people don't know how a prison or jail
is designed; that's why no one has ever paid attention to it,' says John
Strauchs, who plans to discuss the issue and demonstrate an exploit
against the systems at the DefCon hacker conference next week. 'How many
people know they're built with the same kind of PLC used in centrifuges?'
A hacker would need to get his malware onto the control computer either
by getting a corrupt insider to [2]install it via an infected USB stick
or send it via a phishing attack aimed at a prison staffer, since some
control systems are also connected to the internet, Strauchs claims.
'Bear in mind, a prison security electronic system has many parts beyond
door control such as intercoms, lighting control, video surveillance,
water and shower control, and so forth,' adds Strauchs. '[3]Once we take
control of the PLC we can do anything (PDF). Not just open and close
doors. We can absolutely destroy the system. We could blow out all the

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/slashdot/
1. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/07/prison-plc-vulnerabilities/
2. http://it.slashdot.org/story/11/06/29/1521242/Yet-Another-People-Plug-In-Strange-USB-Sticks-Story
3. http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/2011/07/PLC-White-Paper_Newman_Rad_Strauchs_July22_2011.pdf

| SFPD Arrests Suspect In Airbnb Rental Trashing
| from the when-internets-attack dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday July 31, @05:12 (The Internet)
| with 157 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/0013236/SFPD-Arrests-Suspect-In-Airbnb-Rental-Trashing?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

theodp writes "Just days after it was reported that apartment sharing
startup [0]Airbnb had [1]raised $112MM at a $1B+ valuation from investors
that included Marc Andreessen and Jeff Bezos, Airbnb user EJ's [2]blog
entry on the ransacking of her apartment by Airbnb renters went viral,
creating a PR nightmare that's [3]turning into a war of words. CNET
reports San Francisco police have [4]confirmed that a 19-year-old woman
has been arrested in the case, booked on possession of stolen property,
methamphetamine, fraud charges, and an outstanding warrant."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.airbnb.com/
1. http://techcrunch.com/2011/07/24/airbnb-bags-112-million-in-series-b-from-andreessen-and-others/
2. http://ejroundtheworld.blogspot.com/2011/06/violated-travelers-lost-faith-difficult.html
3. http://www.businessinsider.com/airbnb-ransackgate-paul-graham-2011-7
4. http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-20085741-245/sf-police-arrest-suspect-in-trashing-of-airbnb-rental/

| Ubuntu One Hits the Million Users Mark
| from the open-lining dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @15:04 (Cloud)
| with 91 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/1754254/Ubuntu-One-Hits-the-Million-Users-Mark?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]dkd903 writes "Roberta Nilerud of Canonical has announced that their
cloud storage service ��� Ubuntu One ��� has [1]hit the one million users
mark. Ubuntu One is a cloud storage service from Canonical that is very
tightly integrated into Ubuntu. Although Ubuntu One is installed by
default in Ubuntu, it is also available on Windows and Android."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://digitizor.com/
1. http://digitizor.com/2011/07/31/ubuntu-one-one-million-users/

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[Slashdot] Headlines for 2011-08-01

FREE Encryption Tool from Sophos
Encrypt and share your confidential files easily without having
a full blown encryption solution in place.

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How and Why Wall Street Programmers Earn Top Salaries
from the are-they-holding-the-economy-ransom dept.
posted by Soulskill on Saturday July 30, @23:06 (Businesses)
with 588 comments

Foxconn To Employ 1 Million Robots
from the we-will-teach-them-sorrow-and-pain dept.
posted by Soulskill on Sunday July 31, @02:21 (China)
with 313 comments

Galaxy Tab 10.1 Vs. iPad 2 Review
from the head-to-head dept.
posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @16:49 (Android)
with 271 comments

Study Compares IQ With Browser Choice
from the using-a-stupid-blocker dept.
posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @13:27 (The Internet)
with 269 comments

PayPal Hands Over 1,000 IP Addresses To the FBI
from the naughty-list dept.
posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @09:58 (Security)
with 183 comments

Windows XP PCs Breed Rootkit Infections
from the update-please dept.
posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @11:45 (Security)
with 183 comments

Hackers Could Open Convicts' Cells In Prisons
from the need-firewalls-to-go-with-those-real-walls dept.
posted by Soulskill on Sunday July 31, @08:14 (Security)
with 160 comments

SFPD Arrests Suspect In Airbnb Rental Trashing
from the when-internets-attack dept.
posted by Soulskill on Sunday July 31, @05:12 (The Internet)
with 154 comments

Volunteer Towns Sought For Nuclear Waste
from the not-all-at-once dept.
posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @18:28 (Earth)
with 139 comments

Ubuntu One Hits the Million Users Mark
from the open-lining dept.
posted by samzenpus on Sunday July 31, @15:04 (Cloud)
with 79 comments

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Economy/Business News Alert: Obama: Agreement has been reached on raising debt limit

Economy/Business News Alert: Obama: Agreement has been reached on raising debt limit
July 31, 2011 8:51:17 PM

In an evening news conference, President Obama says the debt ceiling deal is not the one he would have preferred, but it will "allow us to avoid default and end the crisis Washington imposed on the rest of America."


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Economy/Business News Alert: Reid declares debt deal is finished

Economy/Business News Alert: Reid declares debt deal is finished
July 31, 2011 8:39:15 PM

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid said Sunday evening that all congressional leaders had agreed to a compromise plan to lift the debt ceiling. "We're moving forward together," Reid said. Immediately afterward, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell declared "there is now a framework" for a deal.


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Economy/Business News Alert: Asian markets open amid as U.S. debt talks come down to the Wire

Economy/Business News Alert: Asian markets open amid as U.S. debt talks come down to the Wire
July 31, 2011 8:01:19 PM

Officials and investors around the world are watching to see how stock exchanges in Tokyo and Sydney react to the fitful negotiations over the U.S. debt as weekday trading begins at 8 p.m. Eastern time. Other prominent markets, including those in Hong Kong and Shanghai, are to open shortly. With a U.S. default possible as early as this week, President Obama and Congress are in intense talks over a compromise plan to raise the nation's debt limit.


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Economy/Business News Alert: Harry Reid: Vote on debt deal could come as soon as Sunday night

Economy/Business News Alert: Harry Reid: Vote on debt deal could come as soon as Sunday night
July 31, 2011 5:03:17 PM

After emerging from a lengthy closed-door meeting with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democratic leaders late Sunday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was asked whether he expects a vote on the deal Sunday tonight.

"I hope so," he told reporters.

But sources in both parties said all sides were close to signing off on the emerging agreement except House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio). While the reason for the hangup was not immediately clear, the framework has the potential to trigger big cuts in the defense budget.


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Local Business Alert: Trump proposes luxury hotel for Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington

Local Business News Alert: Trump proposes luxury hotel for Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington
July 31, 2011 4:40:46 PM

Trump Hotel Collection, the luxury lodging brand that bears the name of the New York real estate magnate, has proposed transforming the historic Old Post Office Pavilion into a nearly 300-room luxury hotel complete with conference meeting space, a spa and museum.


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Economy/Business News Alert: Harry Reid's debt deal defeated

Economy/Business News Alert: Harry Reid's debt deal defeated
July 31, 2011 1:32:23 PM

As expected, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's deal to raise the debt ceiling by $2.2 trillion was defeated in the Senate on Sunday afternoon.

But Senate leaders and the White House continued on Sunday to craft the outlines of a deal to avoid default on Aug. 2 that seemed to be gaining momentum.


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Today's Headlines & Columnists

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The Washington PostSunday, July 31, 2011
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Reid postpones Senate vote on debt plan
The move, moving a 1 a.m. Sunday vote to 1 p.m. that afternoon, comes as rank-and-file lawmakers plead with their leaders to set politics aside and strike a bipartisan deal to raise the federal debt limit.
(By Lori Montgomery and Rosalind S. Helderman)

For Boehner, tests only get tougher
The next challenge: Getting votes for a debt bill that's even less palatable to conservatives.
(By David A. Fahrenthold and Dan Balz)

The view from 27 miles away
Taxpayers affluent and struggling, young and old, Democrat and Republican long for security.
(By Marc Fisher)

Latest counterfeit IDs are so good they're dangerous
The days when faking driver's licenses was a cottage industry have given way to far more sophisticated practitioners who operate outside the reach of U.S. law enforcement.
(By Ashley Halsey III)

In Afghan drawdown, U.S. faces quandary
Every U.S. commander in southern Afghanistan, it seems, has a reason for why his area should be exempted from troop cuts in President Obama's ordered drawdown.
(By Rajiv Chandrasekaran)

White House, Republicans discuss potential deal on extending debt limit and slicing spending
WASHINGTON — White House officials and congressional Republicans are reaching toward a potential end to their bitter debt limit showdown, raising hopes that a deal could be in place by Tuesday to avert a possible federal default.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

White House, McConnell negotiating over last-ditch deal on debt
With the prospect of a government default just three days away, the White House entered intense negotiations with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday in a last-ditch bid to forge a bipartisan agreement to raise the federal debt limit.
( by Lori Montgomery and Rosalind S. Helderman , The Washington Post)

AP sources: Significant progress toward debt deal between White House and GOP
WASHINGTON — AP sources: Significant progress toward debt deal between White House and GOP
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

'Nice guys in a nasty business'
Jon Huntsman faces questions about his work at Huntsman Corp. and the record of his family's business.
( by Carol D. Leonnig , The Washington Post)

Time for the dealmaker
Whatever deal is reached to raise the debt ceiling, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's prints will be all over it, even if not everyone can see them.
( by Paul Kane , The Washington Post)

Opaque restaurant
Smart Mouth: Opaque restaurant address, phone no., web site, operating hours and prices.
(, The Washington Post)

Ask Amy: Couple want to put kids before swine
They loathe visiting their neighbors when vulgar 'Uncle Buddy' is around. For some reason, his inappropriate behavior doesn't seem to register with his family.
(, Tribune Media Service)

Miss Manners: Not every rite of passage is supposed to be fun
Do guests have the obligation to at least appear to be having a good time?
(, Universal Press)

A legacy that's not passed on
A reader's parents (retired early on an inheritance) say they won't leave anything to their children.
(, The Washington Post)

Museum unveils Diller's jokes
Comedian Phyllis Diller's meticulously kept gag file will be exhibited at the Smithsonian Aug. 12.
(, The Washington Post)

Dodgers lose 6-4 to Diamondbacks despite Kemp's 26th HR, Furcal could be on way to St. Louis
LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Dodgers waved goodbye to shortstop Rafael Furcal, who appeared to be on his way to St. Louis after five-plus seasons in Los Angeles. And Furcal's sudden departure cast an even larger pall in the clubhouse following their loss to the Arizona Diamondbacks.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Upton's 3-run double off Guerrier helps D'Backs rally for 6-4 win over Dodgers
LOS ANGELES — On a day when Arizona prepared to welcome Jason Marquis and Los Angeles said goodbye to Rafael Furcal, Justin Upton surprisingly had only good things to say about his new teammate — and Micah Owings pledged to do whatever he can to help the Diamondbacks win.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Matt LaPorta's 2-out, 3-run homer in 9th lifts Indians to 5-2 win over Royals
CLEVELAND — Matt LaPorta's big swing in the ninth inning wasn't the only drama from the Cleveland Indians on Saturday night.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Saturday's AL Capsules
CLEVELAND — Matt LaPorta's big swing in the ninth inning was just a small part of the drama from the Cleveland Indians on Saturday night.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Saturday's NL Capsules
SAN DIEGO — Ubaldo Jimenez was pulled after one rocky inning Saturday night as the Rockies agreed to deal their ace to Cleveland, then Colorado rallied to beat the San Diego Padres 10-6.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

German nuns bake ready for papal visit baking thousands of communion wafers
AM MELLENSEE, Germany — Benedict XVI will not visit the Benedictine Abbey of St. Gertrud, but preparations for his trip are nevertheless in full swing, with the nuns baking thousands of communion wafers to be blessed by the pope at Masses during his September tour.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Portugal's traditional cork industry fights modern challengers in War of the Stoppers
CORUCHE, Portugal — In the centuries-old cork forests of southern Portugal, locals who for generations have harvested the bark that bungs billions of bottles around the world don't think much of the rival plastic stoppers and metal screwcaps threatening their livelihoods.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

China apologizes after law firms ordered not to handle train crash cases without authorization
BEIJING — Chinese authorities have apologized after lawyers were told not to help victims of a deadly train crash file lawsuits without permission, state media said.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Dozens put conservative concerns aside for Indian SlutWalk
Several dozen young women and men, flanked by scores of curious onlookers, marched for 20 minutes in the heart of the Indian capital Sunday as part of the SlutWalk, a global drive against sexual violence.
( by Rama Lakshmi , The Washington Post)

Syrian troops storm Hama, killing 13, activists say
BEIRUT — Syrian troops in tanks stormed the flashpoint city of Hama before dawn Sunday, killing at least 13 people in a barrage of shelling and gunfire that left bodies scattered in the streets, activists and residents said.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Opinion Focus with Eugene Robinson
Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson discusses his recent columns and the latest news in a live Q&A.
(, vForum)

Debt Ceiling drama: Why Jonathan Capehart thinks your voice needs to be heard
In his Post-Partisan blog post today, Opinion writer Jonathan Capehart said that "Folks should be marching on the Capitol" in protest of the way the debt issue is being handled. Do you agree?
(, vForum)

Chatological Humor: Monthly with Moron
Gene Weingarten takes polls and chats about his recent columns.
(, vForum)

ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri
The Compost, written by Alexandra Petri, offers a lighter take on the news and political in(s)anity of the day.
(, vForum)

ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri
The Compost, written by Alexandra Petri, offers a lighter take on the news and political in(s)anity of the day.
(, vForum)

Don't Be Fooled By Vanity Metrics

( by TechCrunch.com , TechCrunch.com)

Daily Crunch: Orbs

( by TechCrunch.com , TechCrunch.com)

Music-streaming service Spotify sued for patent infringement by PacketVideo
SAN FRANCISCO — Digital music service Spotify, which recently arrived in the U.S., has been sued by music and video streaming software maker PacketVideo for allegedly violating a patent it holds for digital music distribution.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Don't Be Fooled By Vanity Metrics

( by TechCrunch.com , TechCrunch.com)

Daily Crunch: Orbs

( by TechCrunch.com , TechCrunch.com)

Suddenly, a late stab at debt-limit compromise to avert US default _ after weeks of sniping
WASHINGTON — In a last-minute stab at compromise, Republican congressional leaders and the White House made significant progress Saturday night toward a deal to avert a government default threatened for early next week, according to officials familiar with the talks.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

AP sources: White House, GOP leaders make progress on deal to raise debt limit, cut spending
WASHINGTON — Officials say the White House and Republican leaders in Congress are making significant progress toward a last-minute agreement to avoid a default threatened for next week.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Health-care law could spur entrepreneurs
The new health-care law could encourage more Americans to start their own businesses because would-be entrepreneurs won't have to worry about access to health insurance.
( by Jill Lawrence Special to The Washington Post , The Washington Post)

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