Slashdot Newsletter 2012-02-27

Monday, February 27, 2012

Use Storage to Extend the Benefits of Virtualization and iSCSI
Companies are increasingly investing in virtualization to save money, improve utilization, and increase service levels to the business. By leveraging this opportunity, companies can extend these benefits to their storage architecture as well. Learn More. 
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Layered Security: 5 Trends That Will Impact Your IT Planning in 2012
By now the fundamentals of computer and network security are familiar to almost everyone who interacts with a PC on a regular basis: install antivirus software, choose good passwords and protect them and download and install software updates. Despite these measures, businesses of all sizes continue to suffer security breaches. Read More. 
Learn More!

From the Department of when-things-overlap
theodp writes "After a 17-month wait, 20-year-old Dharun Ravi went on trial Friday for using a remote webcam to spy on an encounter between his roommate and another man in their Rutgers dorm room. The roommate, Tyler Clementi, killed himself days...
From the Department of estate-of-john-cage-winces-with-envy
New submitter eeplox writes "I make nature videos for my YouTube channel, generally in remote wilderness away from any possible source of music. And I purposely avoid using a soundtrack in my videos because of all the horror stories I hear about...
From the Department of so-lucky-not-to-have-that-problem
Hugh Pickens writes "AP reports that last week during a question-and-answer session at the company's annual shareholders' meeting CEO Tim Cook said he believes Apple has more money than it needs and his next challenge is to figure out whether...
From the Department of and-proud-we-are-of-all-of-them
First time accepted submitter Trapezium Artist writes "Four friends apprehended exploring the disused Aldwych station in London's Underground are faced with an 'anti-social behaviour order' (ASBO) which would forbid them from talking to each other...
From the Department of what-if-they-just-wanted-to-wane?
pigrabbitbear writes "The collapse of the Mayan empire has already caused plenty of consternation for scientists and average Joes alike, and we haven't even made it a quarter of the way through 2012 yet. But here's something to add a little more...
From the Department of never-said-boo-about-the-human-implanted-chips
suraj.sun writes with this excerpt from the Wall Street Journal: "The Supreme Court's recent ruling overturning the warrantless use of GPS tracking devices has caused a 'sea change' inside the U.S. Justice Department, according to FBI General...
From the Department of not-gonna-pay-a-lot-for-this-muffler
New submitter spadadot writes "I am setting up a new event in France (Open du Web), where between 15 and 30 laptops running Ubuntu Linux will be available. They came with Windows preinstalled and it must stay for other purposes. I'd like to take...
From the Department of bottleneck-opening
An anonymous reader writes "Google+ has recently been unblocked in China and Chinese netizens have found their way to President Obama's G+ page. The result is that topic after topic has hit the limit of 500 comments, most of them in Chinese. Some...
From the Department of hardware-more-useful-with-software
New submitter dgharmon writes "The month of February is a month to remember for the LibreOffice project. They formally incorporated the foundation in Berlin, released 3.5 with major changes and now Intel is joining the foundation as a member....
From the Department of for-more-shiny-enter-password
wiredmikey writes with this extract from Security Week: "On Friday, researchers from security firm Intego reported that a new variant of Flashback is targeting passwords and as a byproduct of infection, Flashback is crashing several notable...
From the Department of and-in-chickens
sciencehabit writes "Men typically produce working sperm as long as they live, but most textbooks say female mammals are born with all the egg cells, or oocytes, they will ever have. Since 2004, however, reproductive biologist Jonathan Tilly of...
From the Department of shattering-all-my-conceptions
BuzzSkyline writes "Despite the fact that astronauts have been eating and drinking out of tubes for decades, it's actually possible to drink from an open-top cup in space. Astronaut Don Pettit recently downlinked a video that shows him slurping...
From the Department of sounds-spicy
An anonymous reader writes "Communications of the ACM is carrying two articles promoting the Capsicum security model developed by Robert Watson (FreeBSD — Cambridge) and Ben Laurie (Apache/OpenSSL, ChromeOS — Google) for thin-client...
From the Department of it's-full-of-bug
An anonymous reader writes with word of the release earlier this week, after eight months of development, of DragonFly BSD 3.0. The release includes improved scalability through finer-grained locking, improvements to the HAMMER file system in...
From the Department of parallel-universes
braindrainbahrain writes "Coincidence or conspiracy? Two new science fiction magazines have just been announced and they are both being published by more serious science publications. New Scientist magazine has announced the publication of Arc,...
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