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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* GPL, Copyleft Use Declining Fast
* Ask Slashdot: Most Efficient, Worthwhile Charity?
* Rare Earth Magnets Pose Threat To Children
* Chrome 15 Overtakes IE 8 For Top Browser Spot
* DynDNS Cuts Back Free DNS Options
* YouTube Says UMG Had No 'Right' To Take Down Megaupload Video
* Apple Outsources A5 Chip Manufacture<nobr> <wbr></nobr>... To Texas
* How Does the CIA Keep Its IT Staff Honest?
* No SOPA Vote Until 2012
* PCMCIA Computer Project Aims Even Higher (and Cheaper) Than Raspberry Pi
* Belgium Anti-Piracy Group Expands Attack On Access To the Pirate Bay
* Innovative Use of Plastics Could Cheaply Double Solar Cell Output
* Google Rolls Out Official Android 4.0 ICS Update
* Self-Contained PC Liquid Coolers Explored
* Smallest Known Black Hole Found
* Spectrum Fragmentation Means Pricier Mobile Networking
| GPL, Copyleft Use Declining Fast
| from the taking-great-liberties dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @13:38 (GNU is Not Unix)
| with 524 comments
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1735253/gpl-copyleft-use-declining-fast?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]itwbennett writes "Use of the GPL, LGPL, and AGPL set of licenses is
[1]declining at an accelerating rate, according to new [2]analysis by the
451 Group's Matthew Aslett. In fact, the 451 Group projects that GPL
usage will hit 50% by September 2012. Instead, developers are licensing
projects under permissive licenses such as the MIT, Apache (ASL), BSD,
and Ms-PL. The shift started in 2007 and has been gathering momentum ever
since. Blogger Brian Proffitt posits that 'the creation of the GPLv3 and
the sometimes contentious discussion that led up to it' may be partly
responsible for the move away from the GPL."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/it-managementstrategy/233753/gpl-copyleft-use-declining-faster-ever
2. http://blogs.the451group.com/opensource/2011/12/15/on-the-continuing-decline-of-the-gpl/
| Ask Slashdot: Most Efficient, Worthwhile Charity?
| from the cato-institute-of-course dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @12:35 (Christmas Cheer)
| with 403 comments
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1719204/ask-slashdot-most-efficient-worthwhile-charity?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
New submitter [0]yanom writes "I'm thinking about making a holiday
donation to a charity, but I'm not sure where to give it. I've looked at
organizations such as the Red Cross and Village Reach that promote
disaster relief and health in the developing world. I want my money to
have the biggest possible impact, so where should I send it?"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:yanom@rocketmail.com
| Rare Earth Magnets Pose Threat To Children
| from the being-alive-considered-harmful dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @08:27 (Security)
| with 246 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/0018234/rare-earth-magnets-pose-threat-to-children?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Hugh Pickens writes writes "Many of today's toys contain rare-earth
magnets which are much more powerful than the magnets of yesteryear and
the magnets pose a serious threat to children when more than one is
ingested because as the magnets attract one another they can cause a
[1]range of serious injuries, including holes through internal organs,
blood poisoning and death (PDF). Braden Eberle, 4, swallowed two tiny
magnets from his older brother's construction kit on two successive days
last spring and his mother's first reaction was that the magnet would
pass through her son's system without a problem. "People swallow pennies
of the same size every day," said Jill Eberle. "They're smaller than an
eraser." But next morning, with Braden still in pain, the family's doctor
told them to go straight to the emergency room where an X-ray revealed
two magnets were stuck together. "They were attracted to each other with
the wall of each segment they were in stuck together," said Dr. Sanjeev
Dutta, the pediatric surgeon at Good Samaritan Hospital who would operate
on Braden later that day. "[2]Because they were so powerful, the wall of
the intestine was getting squeezed, squeezed, squeezed, and then it just
necrosed, or kind of rotted away, and created a hole between the two."
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says at least [3]33
children have been injured from ingesting magnets (PDF) with a 20
month-old dying, and at least 19 other children requiring surgery."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hughpickens.com/slashdot/
1. http://www.bizjournals.com/prnewswire/press_releases/2011/12/01/SF15800
2. http://news.healingwell.com/index.php?p=news1&id=612352
3. http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/magnet.pdf
| Chrome 15 Overtakes IE 8 For Top Browser Spot
| from the ooh-shiny dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @18:52 (Chrome)
| with 237 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/2351233/chrome-15-overtakes-ie-8-for-top-browser-spot?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "If you're reading this on Chrome, you're part
of a [0]wave that has ditched Internet Explorer or Firefox and helped
vault Google's browser to the top Web browser spot worldwide." Are you
reading this on Chrome? (I'm using Chromium right now, but that's pretty
Discuss this story at:
| DynDNS Cuts Back Free DNS Options
| from the yes-we-have-fewer-bananas-today dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday December 16, @22:03 (Networking)
| with 199 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/0141213/dyndns-cuts-back-free-dns-options?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
First time accepted submitter LazyBoyWrangler writes "Just noticed the
'free' non-commercial service from DynDNS [0]has been deprecated. Not my
place to argue with their business model changes, but the home router
infrastructure out there has been built around the promise of free
dynamic DNS service. Most manufacturers offer DynDNS as their only
option. Removing the free service for non-commercial folks seems
disingenuous when they are the only option for many users." According to
the linked page, the free service is being drastically cut back for new
users (one free hostname, rather than five, and from a shorter list of
branded domains), but not ended entirely. Existing users, it says, will
see no changes "as long as you keep your hostnames active and up-to-date.
If you allow your account or hostnames to expire, you will have to select
from the new domains instead and will be limited to the one free
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.dyndns.com/services/upgrades/freevspro.html
| YouTube Says UMG Had No 'Right' To Take Down Megaupload Video
| from the layered-agreements dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @11:36 (Google)
| with 183 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1613205/youtube-says-umg-had-no-right-to-take-down-megaupload-video?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Contrary to a [0]previous story, Google
played no part in the Megaupload takedown. From Wired: 'YouTube said
Friday that [1]Universal Music abused the video-sharing site's piracy
filters when it employed them to take down a controversial video of
celebrities and pop superstars singing and praising the notorious
file-sharing service Megaupload.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/12/16/1610229/google-deal-allegedly-lets-umg-wipe-youtube-videos-it-doesnt-own
1. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/12/youtube-universal-megaupload/
| Apple Outsources A5 Chip Manufacture<nobr> <wbr></nobr>... To Texas
| from the texas-visitor's-guide-free-on-request dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @16:33 (Businesses)
| with 183 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/2130248/apple-outsources-a5-chip-manufacture--to-texas?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Lindan9 writes "In a 9 billion dollar investment, Apple's [0]A5 chips
will now be produced in Austin, TX, in a new Samsung factory that is
apparently 'the largest-ever foreign investment in Texas.'" According to
the article, the factory's been churning out chips since the beginning of
this month.
Discuss this story at:
| How Does the CIA Keep Its IT Staff Honest?
| from the vogonic-control dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @14:34 (Government)
| with 176 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1746218/how-does-the-cia-keep-its-it-staff-honest?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Tootech points out this story for anyone who's been curious about getting
that top-secret clearance and the promise of a cushy pension from the
CIA, as a reward for decades of blood-curdling, heart-pounding,
knuckle-whitening IT service: "[0]Be prepared to go through a lot of
scrutiny if you want to work in the Central Intelligence Agency's IT
department, says chief information officer Al Tarasiuk. And it doesn't
stop after you get your top secret clearance. 'Once you're in, there are
frequent reinvestigations, but it's just part of process here,' says
Tarasiuk, who also gets polygraphed regularly, though he won't be more
specific. For those senior IT managers who are the 'privileged users,'
meaning system administrators, 'there is certainly more scrutiny on you,'
Tarasiuk says. 'It's interesting: there's so much scrutiny that a normal
person might not want to put up with that. But it's part of the
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.techworld.com.au/article/260158/how_does_cia_keep_its_it_staff_honest_/?fp=4&fpid=16
| No SOPA Vote Until 2012
| from the just-when-you-least-expect-it dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday December 16, @19:11 (Government)
| with 170 comments
| https://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/006235/no-sopa-vote-until-2012?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]jfruhlinger writes "A victory, or a just a breather? The U.S. House of
Representatives Judiciary Committee has [1]postponed further debate on
the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) until after Congress'
holiday break. At the urging of some SOPA opponents, Representative Lamar
Smith, a Texas Republican and committee chairman, said Friday he will
consider a hearing or a classified briefing on the bill's impact on
cybersecurity." Update: 12/17 04:28 GMT by [2]T : "Or not," as an
anonymous reader comments below. "Despite the fact that Congress was
supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary
Committee has just [3]announced plans to come back to continue the markup
this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary.
But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly
as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://jfruh.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/government/233859/house-committee-postpones-action-sopa
2. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/
3. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20111216/11102617108/sopa-markup-runs-out-time-likely-delayed-until-2012.shtml
| PCMCIA Computer Project Aims Even Higher (and Cheaper) Than Raspberry Pi
| from the concept-that-can-be-turned-into-an-idea dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @09:32 (Linux)
| with 133 comments
| https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1429221/pcmcia-computer-project-aims-even-higher-and-cheaper-than-raspberry-pi?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]lkcl writes "An initiative by a [1]Community Interest Company
[0]Rhombus Tech aims to provide Software (Libre) Developers with a
[2]PCMCIA-sized modular computer that could end up in mass-volume
products. The reference design mass-volume pricing guide from the SoC
manufacturer, for a device with similar capability to the [3]Raspberry Pi,
is around $15: 40% less than the $25 Raspberry Pi but for a device with
an [4]ARM Cortex A8 CPU 3x times faster than the 700mhz ARM11 used in the
Raspberry Pi. GPL Kernel source code is [5]available. A page for
[6]community ideas for motherboard designs has also been created. The
overall goal is to bring more mass-volume products to market which
Software (Libre) Developers have actually been involved in, reversing the
trend of endemic [7]GPL violations surrounding ARM-based mass-produced
hardware. The [8]Preorder pledge registration is now open (account
creation required)." Of course, the Raspberry Pi is not only only much
further along, but has recently announced an expansion module (the
Discuss this story at:
0. http://rhombus-tech.net/
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_interest_company
2. http://elinux.org/Embedded_Open_Modular_Architecture/PCMCIA
3. http://www.raspberrypi.org/
4. http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/
5. http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/kernel_compile/
6. http://rhombus-tech.net/community_ideas/
7. http://ask.slashdot.org/comments.pl?cid=38335908&sid=2568310&tid=3807
8. http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/orders/
9. http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/411
| Belgium Anti-Piracy Group Expands Attack On Access To the Pirate Bay
| from the new-links-will-sprout-in-brussels dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @03:54 (Censorship)
| with 129 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/000227/belgium-anti-piracy-group-expands-attack-on-access-to-the-pirate-bay?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
bs0d3 writes "The Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation (BAF), has been
threatening ISPs into [0]expanding their blockade of thepiratebay.
Recently they have been sending threatening letters to various other ISPs
which were not involved with the original judgment to block thepiratebay.
The letter 'kindly requests' that all ISPs voluntarily block
thepiratebay, or BAF will bring legal action against them. The ISP
[1]BASE has succumbed to these legal threats. Also, many of the same
Belgian ISPs have taken it one step further and also blocked the DNS for
[2]depiraatbaai.be. depiraatbaai.be was setup by thepiratebay as an
alternative domain which directs users to the piratebay's servers to
circumvent DNS censorship. For those who can't wait for The Pirate Bay to
set up new alternative domains, a full working mirror of the site still
exists at [3]malaysiabay.org, which was originally set up to circumvent
the [4]piratebay block in Malaysia."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://activepolitic.com:82/News/2011-12-16d/Belgium_Blocks_The_Pirate_Bay.html
1. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://nurpa.be/files/BASE-freedom-of-censorship_fr&usg=ALkJrhhHsCiQ96vf7mPC5yNFlBjb15af8w#base-dns
2. http://depiraatbaai.be/
3. http://malaysiabay.org/
4. http://activepolitic.com:82/News/2011-10-13c/The_Pirate_Bay_Gets_Pirated.html
| Innovative Use of Plastics Could Cheaply Double Solar Cell Output
| from the hot-photon-on-plastic-action dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @15:30 (Science)
| with 95 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/189225/innovative-use-of-plastics-could-cheaply-double-solar-cell-output?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
doug141 writes "In standard solar cells, much energy is lost (as heat)
from photons mismatched to the capability of silicon to capture them. A
new technique [0]uses a pentacene layer to down-convert each hot
(un-captureable) electron to two electrons that can be captured by
standard silicon cells." You can read more at the University of Texas
[1]research group's web page.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/environment/la-me-gs-breakthrough-double-solar-energy-output-20111216,0,3897047.story
1. http://zhu.cm.utexas.edu/
| Google Rolls Out Official Android 4.0 ICS Update
| from the it's-melting-everywhere dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @00:57 (Android)
| with 80 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/0435209/google-rolls-out-official-android-40-ics-update?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
dell623 writes "Google is [0]rolling out an OTA upgrade to Ice Cream
Sandwich for the Nexus S. GSM versions can already be [1]updated
manually. An [2]early review is largely positive and comments on the
significant visual and performance improvements. The Nexus S upgrade
allows for a direct comparison against Gingerbread on the same hardware,
and the likely improvement in current phones that will receive the
Discuss this story at:
0. https://twitter.com/#!/googlenexus/statuses/147783081426817024
1. http://www.androidcentral.com/how-manually-update-your-gsm-nexus-s-ice-cream-sandwich
2. http://colourmeamused.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/nexus-s-ice-cream-sandwich-review/
| Self-Contained PC Liquid Coolers Explored
| from the very-small-submarines dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @06:50 (Intel)
| with 76 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/015247/self-contained-pc-liquid-coolers-explored?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]MojoKid writes "Over the last few years an increasing number of liquid
coolers have been positioned as high-end alternatives to traditional
heatsink and fan combinations. This has been particularly true in the
boutique and high-end PC market, where a number of manufacturers now
offer liquid coolers in one form or another. These kits are a far cry
from the water coolers enthusiasts have been building for years. DIY
water coolers typically involve separate reservoirs and external pumps.
The [1]systems tested here, including Intel's OEM cooler that was
released with their [2]Sandy Bridge-E CPU, contain significantly less
fluid and use small pumps directly integrated into the cooling block as a
self-contained solution. Integrated all-in-one kits may not offer the
theoretical performance of a high-end home-built system, but they're
vastly easier to install and require virtually no maintenance. The
tradeoffs are more than fair, provided that the coolers perform as
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hothardware.com/
1. http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Liquid-Cooler-Lineup-Corsairs-H80-H100-Reviewed/
2. http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/11/14/1210238/intel-launches-sandy-bridge-e-series-processors
| Smallest Known Black Hole Found
| from the minor-suckage dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @10:40 (NASA)
| with 61 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1540201/smallest-known-black-hole-found?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
smitty777 writes "Adding to the recent black hole discoveries of [0]gas
clouds and [1]a quasar accretion disc, Forbes is reporting on a recent
discovery by NASA's Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) on the [2]smallest
known black hole. From the article: 'If the astronomers' calculations are
correct, this black hole is located about 16,000 to 56,000 light years
away from Earth (a more precise distance hasn't yet been determined). The
black hole itself is only about three times the mass of the Sun, which
means that the original star was just barely big enough to form a black
Discuss this story at:
0. http://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/15/0051210/astronomers-find-gas-cloud-about-to-fall-into-black-hole
1. http://science.slashdot.org/story/11/11/04/2021228/hubble-directly-images-disc-around-a-black-hole
2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2011/12/17/nasa-satellite-may-have-found-the-smallest-known-black-hole/
| Spectrum Fragmentation Means Pricier Mobile Networking
| from the why-not-just-include-a-decoder-ring dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 17, @17:40 (Cellphones)
| with 57 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/2238229/spectrum-fragmentation-means-pricier-mobile-networking?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
alphadogg writes "The plethora of spectrum bands used for LTE [0]will
result in more expensive devices, and also make the ability to roam
globally using the technology less likely, according to industry
organization GSM Association's research arm. Wireless Intelligence
predicts there will be 38 different spectrum frequency combinations used
in LTE deployments by 2015, thanks to ongoing spectrum auctions, license
renewals and reallocation initiatives across a wide range of frequency
bands. The number of combinations means economies of scale won't be as
good and prices won't come down as much as they could if fewer spectrum
bands were used as volumes increase, Joss Gillet, a senior analyst for
Wireless Intelligence."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/121611-report-spectrum-fragmentation-will-result-254162.html
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