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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Are You Better At Math Than a 4th (or 10th) Grader?
* Is the Earth Special?
* GNOME 3 Wins Linux Journal's Readers' Choice Award
* PC Makers Run Short of Popular Drives
* Juror's Tweets Overturn Trial Verdict
* 'Vocal Fry' Creeping Into US Speech
* Apple Transfers Patents Through Shell Company To Sue All Phone Makers
* Pop Artists Support Megaupload; Universal Censors
* Google-Funded Study Knocks Firefox Security
* Malaysia Mulls Compulsory Registration of Tech Workers
* NASA May Send Landers To Europa In 2020
* Computer Virus Forces Hospital To Divert Ambulances
* Kindle Touch Gets World's Simplest Jailbreak
* Royalty-Free MPEG Video Proposals Announced
* Two SOPA Writers Become Entertainment Lobbyists
* Massive Radio Telescope Starts Observing the Skies
* 2nd SpaceX Demo Flight Slated For Feb. 7
| Are You Better At Math Than a 4th (or 10th) Grader?
| from the tyranny-of-testing dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 10, @06:30 (Math)
| with 721 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/028244/are-you-better-at-math-than-a-4th-or-10th-grader?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
New submitter newslash.formatb points to this Washington Post blog post,
which "discusses the National Assessment of Educational Progress test
(specifically, the math part). One of the school board members took it
and was [0]unable to answer any of the 60 math questions, though he
guessed correctly on 10 of them. He then goes on to claim that the math
isn't relevant to many people. P.S. ��� if you want to feel like Einstein,
check out [1]some sample questions." Maybe this is mostly about the kind
of life skills that are sufficient to succeed in management.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/when-an-adult-took-standardized-tests-forced-on-kids/2011/12/05/gIQApTDuUO_blog.html
1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-buzz/post/test-your-math-skills-on-questions-meant-for-fourth--and-eighth-graders/2011/12/07/gIQAVnHhcO_blog.html
| Is the Earth Special?
| from the i-think-captain-kirk-disproved-this dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @10:20 (Earth)
| with 527 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/1335245/is-the-earth-special?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Planetary scientists say [1]there are aspects to
our planet and its evolution that are remarkably strange. In the first
place there is Earth's strong magnetic field. No one is exactly sure how
it works, but it has something to do with the turbulent motion that
occurs in the Earth's liquid outer core and without it, we would be
bombarded by harmful radiation from the Sun. Next there's plate
tectonics. We live on a planet that is constantly recycling its crust,
limiting the amount of carbon dioxide escaping into the atmosphere ��� a
natural way of controlling the greenhouse effect. Then there's
Jupiter-sized outer planets [2]protecting the Earth from frequent large
impacts. But the strangest thing of all is our big Moon. 'As the Earth
rotates, it wobbles on its axis like a child's spinning top,' says
Professor Monica Grady. 'What the Moon does is dampen down that wobble
and that helps to prevent extreme climate fluctuations' ��� which would be
detrimental to life. The moon's tides have also made long swaths of
earth's coastline into areas of that are regularly shifted between dry
and wet, providing [3]a proving ground for early sea life to test the
land for its suitability as a habitat. [4]The 'Rare Earth Hypothesis' is
one solution to the Fermi Paradox (PDF) because, if Earth is uniquely
special as an abode of life, ETI will necessarily be rare or even
non-existent. And in the absence of verifiable alien contact, scientific
opinion will forever remain split as to whether the Universe teems with
life or we are alone in the inky blackness."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hughpickens.com/slashdot/
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-16068809
2. http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/07/26/1332240/Is-Jupiter-Earths-Cosmic-Protector
3. http://www.damninteresting.com/life-without-the-moon/
4. http://www.ras.org.uk/images/stories/ras_pdfs/meetings2011-12/9.12.11%20Meeting%20Abstract%20Book.pdf
| GNOME 3 Wins Linux Journal's Readers' Choice Award
| from the de-gustibus-non-disputandum-est dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday December 09, @20:12 (GNOME)
| with 346 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/0033227/gnome-3-wins-linux-journals-readers-choice-award?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]msevior writes "Although [1] Linus Torvalds and some [2]Slashdot
commentators may disagree, GNOME 3 has many admirers. GNOME 3 was awarded
the [3]Linux Journal Readers' Choice award for 2011." Though I'm one of
the complainers, I hope to be converted with the help of [4]Gnome Shell
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:msevior@gmail.com
1. http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/08/04/0115232/linus-torvalds-ditches-gnome-3-for-xfce
2. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/09/28/1946226/gnome-32-released
3. http://www.linuxjournal.com/slideshow/readers-choice-2011?page=44
4. http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Extensions
| PC Makers Run Short of Popular Drives
| from the shortfall-highprice dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday December 09, @21:59 (Data Storage)
| with 326 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/0111234/pc-makers-run-short-of-popular-drives?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Lucas123 writes "The impact from the monsoonal flooding in Thailand over
the past three months is now being felt by users as [0]computer system
manufacturers are unable to meet supply needs. Lenovo told its corporate
customers this week that is has run out of a number of drives including
several types of 7200rpm and 5400rpm HDDs. 'Akin to the hysteria when
banks defaulted in the 1930[s], PC orders across the industry are being
placed for which HD supply does not exist,' a Lenovo rep wrote to his
clients. IDC this week said the HDD shortages that have resulted from the
flooding of four major Thailand industrial parks will likely be felt into
2013. Western Digital and Toshiba have been hit the hardest. PC shipments
[1]are also expected to fall short by 3.8 million units in the first
quarter of 2012 due to component supply shortages. Meanwhile, [2]there
has been some indication of retail HDD price stabilization, but for some
of the most popular hard drives prices continue to soar."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9222522/Impact_of_hard_drive_shortage_to_linger_through_2013#disqus_thread
1. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9222524/Thailand_floods_mean_3.8_million_fewer_PCs_to_ship_in_Q1_2012
2. http://www.infoworld.com/t/hard-drives/hard-drive-prices-showing-rapid-decline-181223
| Juror's Tweets Overturn Trial Verdict
| from the years-ago-that-headline-would-mean-something-different dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @12:29 (Social Networks)
| with 296 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/1619235/jurors-tweets-overturn-trial-verdict?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
D H NG writes "The Arkansas Supreme Court had [0]overturned a murder
conviction due to a juror tweeting during the trial. Erickson
Dimas-Martinez was convicted in 2010 of killing a teenager and was
sentenced to death. His lawyers appealed the case on account of a juror
tweeting his musings during the trial and because another juror nodded
off during the presentation of evidence. Tweets sent include 'The coffee
here sucks' and 'Court. Day 5. here we go again.' [1]In an opinion,
Associate Justice Donald Corbin wrote 'because of the very nature of
Twitter as an... online social media site, Juror 2's tweets about the
trial were very much public discussions.' Dimas-Martinez is to be given a
new trial."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16108000
1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/75151478/Arkansas
| 'Vocal Fry' Creeping Into US Speech
| from the how-totally-bizarre dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 10, @08:29 (Science)
| with 283 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/0147225/vocal-fry-creeping-into-us-speech?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
sciencehabit writes "A curious vocal pattern has crept into the speech of
young adult women who speak American English: low, creaky vibrations,
also called vocal fry. Pop singers, such as Britney Spears, slip vocal
fry into their music as a way to reach low notes and add style. Now, a
new study of young women in New York state shows that the same guttural
vibration ��� once considered a speech disorder ��� [0]has become a language
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/12/vocal-fry-creeping-into-us-speec.html?ref=hp
| Apple Transfers Patents Through Shell Company To Sue All Phone Makers
| from the hand-in-cookie-jar dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @14:53 (Patents)
| with 267 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/198218/apple-transfers-patents-through-shell-company-to-sue-all-phone-makers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
New submitter dell623 writes "A [0]patent lawsuit (PDF) by patent
licensing firm Digitude Innovations curiously targeted all mobile
manufacturers except Apple. [1]A TechCrunch story has revealed that the
[2]patents [3]used were transferred from Apple via a shell company to DI,
and appear to cover features found in virtually all smartphones. The
lawsuit even extends to companies that don't make Android phones, like
Nokia and RIM, and to Android OEMs that Apple have not directly sued yet,
like Sony. The [4]business model of DI clearly implies that Apple would
benefit financially from the lawsuit as a company that contributed
patents to DI's portfolio."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.itcblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/digitudeinnovations.pdf
1. http://techcrunch.com/2011/12/09/apple-made-a-deal-with-the-devil-no-worse-a-patent-troll/
2. http://www.google.com/patents?id=D6oGAAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=6208879&hl=en&ei=kRfjTpbgHe_CmQX68b2LBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA
3. http://www.google.com/patents?id=-rQLAAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=6456841&hl=en&ei=sxfjToviA-7ImAW1g7znBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA
4. http://www.prweb.com//releases/2011/03/prweb5171554.htm
| Pop Artists Support Megaupload; Universal Censors
| from the conflict-of-interest dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @09:12 (Music)
| with 199 comments
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/1320249/pop-artists-support-megaupload-universal-censors?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
New submitter TheSHAD0W writes "Several well-known artists, including P.
Diddy, Will.I.Am, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West [0]produced a song in support
of the site [1]Megaupload, recently [2]targeted by law enforcement as a
'rogue site.' The music video was gaining popularity ��� until [3]YouTube
received a takedown notice from Universal Media Group, claiming it
violated their copyrights."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://torrentfreak.com/riaa-label-artists-a-list-stars-endorse-megaupload-in-new-song-111209/
1. http://megaupload.com/
2. http://torrentfreak.com/dns-seizure-takes-out-megaupload-111129/
3. http://torrentfreak.com/universal-censors-megaupload-song-gets-branded-a-rogue-label-111210/
| Google-Funded Study Knocks Firefox Security
| from the time-to-argue-again dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @11:25 (Google)
| with 177 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/1349212/google-funded-study-knocks-firefox-security?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Sparrowvsrevolution writes "Researchers at the security firm Accuvant
released a study Friday that gauges the security features of the top
three web browsers. Accuvant admits the study was funded by Google, and
naturally, [0]Chrome came out on top. More surprising is that Internet
Explorer was rated nearly as secure as Chrome, while Firefox is described
as lacking many modern security safeguards. Though the study seems to
have been performed objectively, it won't help Google's fraying
partnership with Mozilla." The full research document is [1]available
here (PDF), and it goes into much greater detail than the Forbes article.
Accuvant also [2]published the tools and data they used in the study,
which should help to evaluate their objectivity.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2011/12/09/browser-study-sheds-light-on-firefoxs-insecurity-and-google-approves-this-message/
1. http://www.accuvant.com/sites/default/files/AccuvantBrowserSecCompar_FINAL.pdf
2. http://www.accuvant.com/capability/accuvant-labs/security-research/browser-security-comparison-quantitative-approach
| Malaysia Mulls Compulsory Registration of Tech Workers
| from the governments-generally-suck dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday December 09, @19:21 (Censorship)
| with 157 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/12/09/2334217/malaysia-mulls-compulsory-registration-of-tech-workers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Viceice writes "Hot on the heels of recently passed legislation further
restricting Freedom of Assembly, the National Front-led Malaysian
Government is now [0]working to make the registration of all tech workers
mandatory, making it an offence punishable by a stiff fine and jail for
anyone to plan, deploy, service and maintain any computing system without
a license. A leaked draft of the legislation has ignited a backlash among
the IT community, which fear the law, when passed, will be devastating to
the tech industry in Malaysia."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2011/12/09/new-law-puts-noose-around-computer-techies/
| NASA May Send Landers To Europa In 2020
| from the let's-send-a-fleet dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @13:47 (NASA)
| with 115 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/1845228/nasa-may-send-landers-to-europa-in-2020?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
wisebabo writes "So here's [0]a proposal by NASA to send landers to
Europa to look for life. They are sending two landers because of the
risks in landing on Europa. They got that right! First is the 500 million
mile distance from the Sun, which will probably necessitate [1]RTGs (Juno
uses solar panels, but they are huge) and will cause at least an hour of
lag time for communications. Then there is the intense gravitational
field of Jupiter, which will require a lot of fuel to get into Jovian and
then Europan orbit. (It's equivalent to traveling amongst the inner
planets!) The radiation in space around Jupiter is tremendous, so the
spacecraft may need to be 'armored' like Juno. Landing on Europa is going
to be crazy; there aren't any hi-res maps of the landing areas (unlike
Mars) and even if there were, the geography of Europa might change due to
the shifting ice. Since there is no atmosphere, it'll be rockets down all
the way; very expensive in terms of fuel ��� like landing on the Moon.
Finally, who knows what the surface is like; is it a powder, rock hard,
crumbly or slippery? In a couple respects, looking for life on Titan
(where we've [2]already landed one simple probe) would be a lot easier:
dense atmosphere, no radiation, radar mapped from space, knowledge of
surface). If only we could do both!"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.space.com/13883-nasa-jupiter-moon-europa-lander-mission.html
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisotope_thermoelectric_generator
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huygens_probe
| Computer Virus Forces Hospital To Divert Ambulances
| from the outbreak-at-the-hospital dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @17:04 (Medicine)
| with 114 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/220222/computer-virus-forces-hospital-to-divert-ambulances?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
McGruber writes "The Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper is reporting
that a hospital with campuses in Lawrenceville and Duluth, Georgia
[0]turned ambulances away after the discovery of 'a system-wide computer
virus that slowed patient registration and other operations.' They're
only currently accepting patients with 'dire emergencies.' A spokeswoman
for the hospital said the diversion happened because 'it's a trauma
center and needs to be able to respond rapidly.' The situation began on
Thursday afternoon and is expected to last through the weekend."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.ajc.com/news/gwinnett/ambulances-turned-away-as-1255750.html
| Kindle Touch Gets World's Simplest Jailbreak
| from the music-to-amazon's-ears-i'm-sure dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @16:00 (Books)
| with 111 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/1915234/kindle-touch-gets-worlds-simplest-jailbreak?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Nate the greatest writes "Can you play an MP3 file? Then [0]you can
jailbreak the new Kindle Touch. A new hack was posted this morning that
[1]roots the Kindle Touch/K5 and opens the way for future hacks. The
hacker also reveals that the K5 runs on HTML5, which should make it a lot
easier to come up with new apps. Epub, anyone?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2011/12/10/kindle-touch-gets-worlds-simplest-jailbreak-and-it-runs-html5/
1. http://yifan.lu/2011/12/10/kindle-touch-5-0-jailbreakroot-and-ssh/
| Royalty-Free MPEG Video Proposals Announced
| from the good-times-ahead-and-clear-sailing dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 10, @08:07 (Media)
| with 87 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/0053220/royalty-free-mpeg-video-proposals-announced?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
theweatherelectric writes "Rob Glidden notes on his blog that MPEG has
recently 'announced it has received [0]proposals for a royalty-free MPEG
standard and has settled on a deliberation process to consider them.'
There are two tracks toward royalty-free video currently under
consideration by MPEG. The first track is IVC, a new standard 'based on
MPEG-1 technology which is believed a safe royalty-free baseline that can
be enhanced by additional unencumbered technology described in MPEG-2,
JPEG, research publications and innovative technologies which are
promised to be subject to royalty-free licenses.' The second proposed
track is WebVC, an attempt to get the constrained baseline profile of
H.264 licensed under royalty-free terms. Rob Glidden offers an
[1]analysis of both proposals. Also of interest is Rob's short history of
[2]why royalty-free H.264 failed last time."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.robglidden.com/2011/12/royalty-free-mpeg-proposals-announced/
1. http://www.robglidden.com/2011/12/mpeg-plus-or-patent-pool-lite-mpeg-mulls-royalty-free-proposals/
2. http://www.robglidden.com/about-2/why-a-royalty-free-mpeg-a-manifesto/
| Two SOPA Writers Become Entertainment Lobbyists
| from the par-for-the-course dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday December 10, @18:10 (Government)
| with 83 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/226238/two-sopa-writers-become-entertainment-lobbyists?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
schwit1 writes "According to Politico, 'A pair of senior Hill aides at
the center of a brewing battle between Hollywood and Silicon Valley are
packing their bags for K Street, [0]where they���ll work for two of the
entertainment lobby shops trying to influence their former colleagues in
Congress on the very same issue. Allison Halataei, former deputy chief of
staff and parliamentarian to House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith
(R-Texas), and Lauren Pastarnack, a Republican who has served as a senior
aide on the Senate Judiciary Committee, worked on online piracy bills
that would push Internet companies like Google, Yahoo and Facebook to
shut down websites that offer illegal copies of blockbuster films and
chart-topping songs.' Techdirt adds, 'Pastarnack went to the MPAA where
she'll be "director of government relations" and Halataei to the NMPA
(music publishers and songwriters) where she'll be "chief liaison to
Capitol Hill." The Politico article linked above notes that this kind of
"revolving door" is all too common. It may not be directly corrupt, but
[1]to the public it sure feels corrupt.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70149.html
1. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20111209/10151917022/shockingly-unshocking-two-congressional-staffers-who-helped-write-sopapipa-become-entertainment-industry-lobbyists.shtml
| Massive Radio Telescope Starts Observing the Skies
| from the give-me-a-big-enough-radio dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 10, @03:58 (Space)
| with 37 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/0717256/massive-radio-telescope-starts-observing-the-skies?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
New submitter cyachallenge writes with this excerpt from New Scientist:
"RadioAstron, effectively the largest radio telescope ever built, [0]is
up and running. The telescope's main component, a 10-metre radio dish
aboard the spacecraft Spectr-R, launched in July to an oblong orbit that
extends between 10,000 and more than 300,000 kilometres from Earth. By
coordinating observations with radio telescopes on Earth in a technique
called interferometry, the telescope can make observations as sharp as a
single dish spanning the entire distance between the two farthest dishes.
When Spectr-R is at its farthest from Earth, the system acts like one
enormous telescope about 30 times as wide as our planet, boasting about
10,000 times the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2011/12/biggest-telescope-starts-obser.html
| 2nd SpaceX Demo Flight Slated For Feb. 7
| from the makes-me-grin dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday December 10, @01:02 (NASA)
| with 33 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/12/10/0519209/2nd-spacex-demo-flight-slated-for-feb-7?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]TheNextCorner writes with the news that "Space Exploration
Technologies (SpaceX)'s second Commercial Orbital Transportation Services
(COTS) [1]demonstration flight will be Feb. 7, 2012. Pending completion
of final safety reviews, testing and verification, NASA also has agreed
to allow SpaceX to send its Dragon spacecraft to rendezvous with the
International Space Station (ISS) in a single flight." Update: 12/10
06:41 GMT by [2]T : Reader BenJCarter adds a link to an [3]L.A. Times
article on the ISS rendezvous (with a great photo).
Discuss this story at:
0. http://thenextcorner.net/
1. http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2011/dec/HQ_11-413_SpaceX_ISS_Flight.html
2. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/
3. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2011/12/spacex-nasa-space-station-docking.html
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