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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Why Do So Many College Science Majors Drop Out?
* How Android Phone Makers Are Missing the Marketing Boat
* Oxford Professor Taken To Task For Linking Internet Use To Autism
* Copyright Demands Push Largest European Usenet Provider Permanently Offline
* Ask Slashdot: Spoof an Email Bounce With Windows?
* GNOME Shell No Longer Requires GPU Acceleration
* Oklahoma Hit By Its Strongest-Ever Recorded Quake
* Analyzing StackOverflow Users' Programming Language Leanings
* Cracks Signal Massive Iceberg Forming In Antarctica
* Mozilla Developers Testing Mobile OS
* Grant To Allow Khan Academy To Expand, Build a Physical School
* Mixed-Reality 3D Volumetric Projector
* Apple Security Chief Steps Down After iPhone Gaffe
* Hacked MIT Server Used To Stage Attacks
* Open Source Tool Scans For Duqu Drivers
* Google Maps, Disease Risk, and Migration
| Why Do So Many College Science Majors Drop Out?
| from the your-war-stories-below dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @13:29 (Education)
| with 640 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1428230/why-do-so-many-college-science-majors-drop-out?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Christopher Drew writes that President Obama and
industry groups have called on colleges to graduate 10,000 more engineers
a year and 100,000 new teachers with majors in science, technology,
engineering and math but studies find that roughly 40 percent of students
planning engineering and science majors [1]end up switching to other
subjects or failing to get any degree ��� 60 percent when pre-medical
students are included. Middle and high school students are having most of
the fun, building their erector sets and dropping eggs into water to test
the first law of motion, but the excitement quickly fades as students
brush up against the reality of what David E. Goldberg calls '[2]the
math-science death march' as freshmen in college wade through a blizzard
of calculus, physics and chemistry in lecture halls with hundreds of
other students where many wash out. '[3]Treating the freshman year as a
"sink or swim" experience and accepting attrition as inevitable,' says a
report by the National Academy of Engineering, 'is both unfair to
students and wasteful of resources and faculty time.' But help is on the
way. In September, the Association of American Universities announced a
five-year initiative to encourage faculty members in the STEM fields to
[4]use more interactive teaching techniques (PDF)."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://poncacityweloveyou.com/
1. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/education/edlife/why-science-majors-change-their-mind-its-just-so-darn-hard.html
2. http://www.prism-magazine.org/apr08/last_word.cfm
3. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11338&page=53
4. http://www.aau.edu/WorkArea/showcontent.aspx?id=12594
| How Android Phone Makers Are Missing the Marketing Boat
| from the you-must-have-some-steak-with-the-sizzle dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @12:32 (Android)
| with 309 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/164200/how-android-phone-makers-are-missing-the-marketing-boat?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Why are Android device commercials showing
giant robots and lightning bolts and not advertising features? Here is an
interesting blog post of [0]things Android device manufacturers could be
doing to get ahead of Apple, but aren't." On a similar front, as a mostly
happy Android user, I must admit envy for the jillions of accessories
marketed for the iPhone, especially ones that take advantage of that
[1]Apple-only accessory port; maybe the [2]Android Open Accessory project
will help.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://frankie.graffagnino.net/2011/11/5-things-android-devices-should-be.html
1. http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/10/09/029250/was-the-ipod-accessory-port-inspired-by-a-40-year-old-camera
2. http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/adk.html
| Oxford Professor Taken To Task For Linking Internet Use To Autism
| from the well-it's-just-a-theory dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @01:24 (Medicine)
| with 221 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/11/05/2254229/oxford-professor-taken-to-task-for-linking-internet-use-to-autism?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
esocid writes with excerpts from a piece written by Ben Goldacre of The
Guardian: "Baroness Susan Greenfield, Professor of pharmacology at
Oxford, apparently [0]announced that computer games are causing dementia
in children. ... Two months ago the same professor linked internet use
with the rise in autism diagnoses (not for the first time), then pulled
back when autism charities and an Oxford professor of psychology raised
concerns. ... When I raised concerns, she said I was like the
epidemiologists who denied that smoking caused cancer. Other critics find
themselves derided as sexist in the media. If a scientist sidesteps their
scientific peers, and chooses to take an apparently changeable,
frightening, and technical scientific case directly to the public, then
that is a deliberate decision, and one that can't realistically go
unnoticed. ... I think these serious scientific concerns belong, at least
once, in a clear scientific paper. I don't see how this suggestion is
inappropriate, or impudent, and in all seriousness, I can't see an
argument against it."
Discuss this story at:
| Copyright Demands Push Largest European Usenet Provider Permanently Offline
| from the son-what-does-alt-dot-binary-mean? dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @09:30 (Censorship)
| with 175 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1326222/copyright-demands-push-largest-european-usenet-provider-permanently-offline?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
First time accepted submitter jonathan1979 writes "Dutch anti-piracy
authority [0]BREIN has caused the largest European usenet provider,
News-Service.com, to [1]immediately terminate its services as they felt
they could not live up to the [2]court order served earlier."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.anti-piracy.nl/english.php
1. http://torrentfreak.com/major-usenet-provider-shuts-down-following-court-order-111106/
2. http://torrentfreak.com/major-usenet-provider-ordered-to-remove-all-infringing-content-110929/
| Ask Slashdot: Spoof an Email Bounce With Windows?
| from the we've-all-got-needs dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @14:33 (Communications)
| with 174 comments
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1621251/ask-slashdot-spoof-an-email-bounce-with-windows?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "One cool feature I used on KMail years ago
was the ability to generate a spoofed email bounce for any given message
I had received, which claimed delivery failed because of an unknown
recipient. While this doesn't exactly align with expected behaviour from
a mail client, it was a useful way of easily getting off mailing lists
(automated, or manually created by freaky acquaintances!). This is
something I really miss, so I'm wondering if there are any mail clients
for Windows that provide similar functionality?"
Discuss this story at:
| GNOME Shell No Longer Requires GPU Acceleration
| from the mutter-mutter-mutter-harumph dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @15:31 (GNOME)
| with 166 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1743257/gnome-shell-no-longer-requires-gpu-acceleration?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "The GNOME 3.0 Shell with the Mutter window
manager [0]no longer requires GPU acceleration to work, while still
retaining the compositing window manager and OpenGL support. GNOME Shell
can now work entirely on the CPU using the LLVM compiler via the
Gallium3D LLVMpipe driver. This will be another change to Fedora 17 to no
longer depend upon the GNOME3 fall-back, which is expected to eventually
be deprecated and further anger GNOME2 fans."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTAxMjI
| Oklahoma Hit By Its Strongest-Ever Recorded Quake
| from the damage-reports-from-the-onion dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @10:55 (Earth)
| with 165 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1450202/oklahoma-hit-by-its-strongest-ever-recorded-quake?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
First time accepted submitter Wheelie_boy writes "No word yet on hell
freezing over, but Oklahoma experienced a [0]5.6 magnitude earthquake
early Sunday morning. This is the largest quake ever recorded in the
state. Only minor damage and no casualties have been reported."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/okla-quakes-rattle-nerves-injuries-reported-14891887#.Traalrh37z4
| Analyzing StackOverflow Users' Programming Language Leanings
| from the drag-out-your-cliches dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @11:30 (Programming)
| with 142 comments
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1526249/analyzing-stackoverflow-users-programming-language-leanings?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
AlexDomo writes to point out this statistical breakdown of the
[0]programming languages represented at StackOverflow. "Suprisingly,
JavaScript turned out to be the most 'over-represented' language on
StackOverflow, by quite a long way at 294% [where "a representation of
100% means that the SO tag count is aligned exactly with the TIOBE
language index"]. Could this also be because programming JavaScript is
generally quite difficult and will result in people seeking help more
often? Following this was C# (which I had expected to be number 1), at
153%. After this, PHP, Ruby and Python were basically fairly balanced at
around 100%. The most 'under-represented' major language would definitely
be C at 11%. Three other major languages which seemed to be a bit
under-represented, below 50%, were C++, Java and Objective-C. For details
of the method used and the full results, refer to the original article."
One of the attached comments makes an interesting point about the
[1]difficulty in divining meaning from such statistics, though.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.dodgycoder.net/2011/11/stackoverflows-programming-language.html
1. http://www.dodgycoder.net/2011/11/stackoverflows-programming-language.html?showComment=1320582715941#c5052908975920308934
| Cracks Signal Massive Iceberg Forming In Antarctica
| from the taking-on-the-rocks-too-far dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @07:20 (Earth)
| with 132 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/0532217/cracks-signal-massive-iceberg-forming-in-antarctica?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Several readers have submitted news (as covered by an AFP article carried
by the Sydney Morning Herald) that a [0]massive iceberg is forming in the
Antarctic. The rift in the PIne Island Glacier "is widening at a rate of
two metres a day, said NASA project scientist Michael Studinger. When the
ice breaks apart, it will produce an iceberg more than 880 square
kilometres, said Mr Studinger, who is part of the US space agency's
IceBridge project. But the process is not a result of global warming, he
said." [1]Also at the BBC.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.smh.com.au/world/rift-in-antarctic-glacier-to-create-gigantic-iceberg-20111104-1n00x.html
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15580679
| Mozilla Developers Testing Mobile OS
| from the marketplace-of-ideas dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @16:34 (Mozilla)
| with 83 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1826205/mozilla-developers-testing-mobile-os?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]MojoKid writes "Mozilla has been experimenting with an interesting
idea called Boot 2 Gecko. Essentially, [1]B2G (as it's called) is [2]a
mobile operating system based on the Web, as opposed to what the
project's wiki calls 'proprietary, single-vendor stacks.' Mozilla has
something here. Open Web technologies provide an intriguing platform for
lots of things, mobile and otherwise. The B2G project is still pretty
new, but according to the project roadmap, testing has already begun and
will continue through the rest of 2011. Messaging, telephony, and battery
management aspects of the OS are underway, and contacts, screen/power
management, and settings are scheduled. A product demo is scheduled for
sometime in the first quarter of 2012."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hothardware.com/
1. http://tech.slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=story&sid=11/07/26/1542251
2. http://hothardware.com/News/Mozilla-Developers-Testing-Mobile-OS/
| Grant To Allow Khan Academy To Expand, Build a Physical School
| from the deserves-an-early-nobel dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @10:31 (Education)
| with 78 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/1350203/grant-to-allow-khan-academy-to-expand-build-a-physical-school?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
mayberry42 writes with this news snipped from Hack Education: "Khan
Academy announced this morning that it has [0]raised $5 million from the
O'Sullivan Foundation (a foundation created by Irish engineer and
investor Sean O'Sullivan). The money is earmarked for several
initiatives: expanding the Khan Academy faculty, creating a content
management system so that others can use the program's learning analytics
system, and building an actual brick-and-mortar school, beginning with a
summer camp program."
Discuss this story at:
| Mixed-Reality 3D Volumetric Projector
| from the that's-a-lot-of-projectors dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @18:36 (Displays)
| with 75 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/2137257/mixed-reality-3d-volumetric-projector?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
First time accepted submitter [0]Gortu writes "We are [1]describing and
demonstrating a 3D Volumetric Projector (YouTube video); in short words:
a device that enables mixed reality. The 3D projector has very poor
quality, we just have 10 rotational voxels (as we are using only 10
regular LCD projectors), but is proof of concept for developing a
commercial solution."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://volumetricprojection.blogspot.com/
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijOK_hb18kE
| Apple Security Chief Steps Down After iPhone Gaffe
| from the don't-go-to-bars-any-more dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @17:32 (Iphone)
| with 68 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/216251/apple-security-chief-steps-down-after-iphone-gaffe?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Trailrunner7 writes "Apple's vice president of global security [0]has
reportedly stepped down, roughly two months after the surfacing of news
reports that an iPhone prototype had gone missing for the second time in
less than two years. John Theriault, who came to Apple from Pfizer and
was a former FBI agent, has retired in the wake of controversy regarding
the device's disappearance and the subsequent efforts to track it down.
Apple did not return a request for comment. Nevertheless, Theriault's
departure follows a public relations dustup that began when an Apple
employee left the prototype at a bar in San Francisco."
Discuss this story at:
0. https://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/apple-security-chief-reportedly-leaves-company-110511
| Hacked MIT Server Used To Stage Attacks
| from the always-hurt-the-ones-you-love dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @19:40 (Security)
| with 52 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/239239/hacked-mit-server-used-to-stage-attacks?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
wiredmikey writes "A compromised server at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) has been identified as being [0]used as a vulnerability
scanner and attack tool, probing the Web for unprotected domains and
injecting code. According to researchers, the ongoing attacks appear to
be related to the Blackhole Exploit Pack, a popular crime kit used by
criminals online. The attacks started in June, and an estimated 100,000
domains could have been compromised. Judging by initial data, one MIT
server (CSH-2.MIT.EDU) hosts a malicious script actively used by
cyber-crooks to scan the web for vulnerable websites. These types of
attacks are how BlackHat SEO scams are propagated, which target search
results in order to spread rogue anti-virus or other malware. In
addition, compromised hosts are also leveraged for other schemes, such as
spam or botnet control."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.securityweek.com/hacked-mit-server-used-stage-attacks-scan-vulnerabilities
| Open Source Tool Scans For Duqu Drivers
| from the my-system-is-duqu-free dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday November 06, @04:18 (Security)
| with 51 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/06/0354207/open-source-tool-scans-for-duqu-drivers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
wiredmikey writes "A new open source [0]scanning tool has been released
by engineers at independent security testing firm NSS Labs that can be
used to detect Duqu drivers installed on a system. The tool was developed
with the [1]goal of discovering any additional drivers, and to enable
researchers to learn more about the functionality, capabilities and
ultimate purpose of the Duqu malware."
Discuss this story at:
0. https://github.com/halsten/Duqu-detectors
1. http://www.securityweek.com/new-open-source-tool-scans-duqu-drivers
| Google Maps, Disease Risk, and Migration
| from the paywalls-are-a-disease dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday November 05, @22:22 (Google)
| with 34 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/11/05/217243/google-maps-disease-risk-and-migration?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
First time accepted submitter ecorona writes "This [0]Google Maps mashup
was [1]published in Science (paywall warning) this week. It shows genetic
risk for multiple diseases distributed across the globe. It's easy to
follow the migration path and see which diseases increase/decrease in
risk along human migration paths. Click on the populations to see the
relative risk of the selected disease for each population. You can pick
your a disease and see which populations are more susceptible. The
article is behind a paywall, but the website is free to use." On a
similar note, an anonymous reader points out a British research project
that "used Twitter to track and map flu-like illnesses across the U.K. to
determine if epidemics were emerging. The research culminated into an
online visual tool, [2]the Flu Detector, that [3]maps tweeted flu rates
in several regions across the U.K."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://geneworld.stanford.edu/hgdp
1. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/334/6056/583.full
2. http://geopatterns.enm.bris.ac.uk/epidemics/
3. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/243568/20111104/twitter-track-disease-outbreaks.htm
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