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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* How Microsoft Can Lock Linux Off Windows 8 PCs
* US Military Moving Closer To Automated Killing
* Designer Creates "Euthanasia Roller Coaster"
* Samsung May Try To Block Next iPhone In Europe Too
* Yahoo Blocked Emails About Wall Street Protests
* Gang Used 3D Printers To Make ATM Skimmers
* Comcast Launches Program For Low-Income Families
* OnStar Terms and Conditions Update Raises Privacy Concerns
* Adobe Releases Flash 11 and AIR 3
* Microsoft Ousts IE Mobile Manager For Revealing Nokia Phone Details
* HP Begins Laying Off WebOS Developers, Potentially Firing CEO
* Walmart Goes Solar In California
* Patent Attorney Breaks Down Impact of the America Invents Act
* Apple Too Big For the Dow Jones Industrial Average
* Augmented Reality's Disruptive Potential
* Microsoft Dumps Partner For Fake Support Call Scam
* Fukushima: Myth of Safety, Reality of Geoscience
* Amazon To Offer Kindle ebooks Via Public Libraries
* Julian Assange's Unauthorized Autobiography
* <em>Diablo III</em> Beta Begins
* NASA Looking To Power Spacecraft With Lasers
* Justification For Canadian Copyright Reform Revealed
* Storing Hydrogen At Room Temperature
* Massachusetts Attorney General, Victim of iTunes Fraud
* Pakistan Seeks To Block Facebook Again
* <em>Gears of War 3</em> Released
* Deep-Sea Squid Mate and Run
* Self-Powered Microbial Fuel Cell Produces Hydrogen
* Adobe Pushes Emergency Flash Player Security Fix
* NASA Announces Space Apps Challenge
* EFF System To Warn of Certificate Breaches
* Book Review: Digital Evidence and Computer Crime
* Wikimedia Foundation Releases Their Server Config
| How Microsoft Can Lock Linux Off Windows 8 PCs
| from the if-only-penguins-were-secure-enough dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @08:11 (Microsoft)
| with 830 comments
| https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/062231/How-Microsoft-Can-Lock-Linux-Off-Windows-8-PCs?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Julie188 writes "Windows 8 PCs will use the next-generation booting
specification known as Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). In
fact, Windows 8 logo devices will be [1]required to use the secure boot
portion of the new spec. Secure UEFI is intended to thwart rootkit
infections by using PKI authentication before allowing executables or
drivers to be loaded onto the device. Problem is, unless the device
manufacturer gives a key to the device owner, it can also be [2]used to
keep the PC's owner from wiping out the current OS and installing another
option, [3]such as Linux."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:jbort@nww.com
1. http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/78727
2. http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/5552.html
3. http://lwn.net/Articles/447381/
| US Military Moving Closer To Automated Killing
| from the paging-john-connor dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @00:19 (The Military)
| with 434 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/0013255/US-Military-Moving-Closer-To-Automated-Killing?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Doofus writes "A recent article in the Washington Post, [1]A future
for drones: Automated killing, describes the steady progress the military
is making toward fully autonomous networks of targeting and killing
machines. Does this (concern|scare|disgust) any of you? Quoting: 'After
20 minutes, one of the aircraft, carrying a computer that processed
images from an onboard camera, zeroed in on the tarp and contacted the
second plane, which flew nearby and used its own sensors to examine the
colorful object. Then one of the aircraft signaled to an unmanned car on
the ground so it could take a final, close-up look. Target confirmed.
This successful exercise in autonomous robotics could presage the future
of the American way of war: a day when drones hunt, identify and kill the
enemy based on calculations made by software, not decisions made by
humans. Imagine aerial "Terminators," minus beefcake and time travel.'
The article goes on to discuss the dangers of surrendering to fully
autonomous killing, concerns about the potential for 'atrocities,' and
the nature of what we call 'common sense.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:asolow@gmail.com
1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/national-security/a-future-for-drones-automated-killing/2011/09/15/gIQAVy9mgK_print.html
| Designer Creates "Euthanasia Roller Coaster"
| from the if-you-have-to-go dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @16:22 (United Kingdom)
| with 333 comments
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1924226/Designer-Creates-Euthanasia-Roller-Coaster?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
disco_tracy writes "Lithuanian amusement park worker and current PhD
candidate in London's Royal College of Art's Design Interactions
department, Julijonas Urbonas, has made a design for [0]a hypothetical
coaster that could be the future of humane euthanasia. Urbonas says that
it is engineered to give a person a way to die with 'with elegance and
euphoria.' From the article: 'The three-minute ride involves a long,
slow, climb -- nearly a third of a mile long -- that lifts one up to a
height of more than 1,600 feet, followed by a massive fall and seven
strategically sized and placed loops. The final descent and series of
loops take all of one minute. But the gravitational force -- 10 Gs --
from the spinning loops at 223 miles per hour in that single minute is
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.discovery.com/tech/euthanasia-sucicide-rollercoaster-ride-110919.html
| Samsung May Try To Block Next iPhone In Europe Too
| from the can't-we-all-get-along-here dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @08:55 (Iphone)
| with 248 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1229235/Samsung-May-Try-To-Block-Next-iPhone-In-Europe-Too?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]phonewebcam writes with a report in The Register about the ongoing
spat between Samsung and Apple. From the article: "Samsung could [1]try
to get the iPhone 5 delayed or banned in Europe, a source has told South
Korea's Maeil Business Newspaper today. The Korean giant is considering a
lawsuit against the next version of the Apple smartphone due in October,
in the expectation that iPhone 5 will make use of some basic telecoms
technology that Samsung has patented. ... It comes a day after The Korea
Times quoted an anonymous Samsung exec saying that the company would
[2]attempt to do the same thing in Korea."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.androidacademy.com/
1. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/21/samsung_could_block_iphone_5_in_europe_patent_wars_rumble_on/
2. https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/09/19/1728226/Samsung-Plans-To-Block-the-iPhone-5-In-Korea
| Yahoo Blocked Emails About Wall Street Protests
| from the you-didn't-type-the-magic-word dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @13:53 (Yahoo!)
| with 243 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1725232/Yahoo-Blocked-Emails-About-Wall-Street-Protests?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]itwbennett writes "People trying to email information about the Wall
Street protests on Monday using Yahoo mail, found themselves on the
receiving end of [1]messages from Yahoo claiming 'suspicious activity'.
ThinkProgress.org has a YouTube video of [2]users trying to send emails
that mention the 'OccupyWallSt.org' web site, which seemed to be the
magic phrase to get your email blocked. Via Twitter, Yahoo announced the
blockage was now fixed, but 'there may be residual delays.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/security/205513/yahoo-blocks-emails-about-wall-street-protest
2. http://thinkprogress.org/media/2011/09/20/323856/yahoo-censoring-occupy-wall-street-protests/
| Gang Used 3D Printers To Make ATM Skimmers
| from the bank-error-in-your-favor dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @02:16 (Crime)
| with 205 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/050226/Gang-Used-3D-Printers-To-Make-ATM-Skimmers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader sends this excerpt from a post by security researcher
Brian Krebs: "An ATM skimmer gang stole more than $400,000 using
[0]skimming devices built with the help of high-tech 3D printers, federal
prosecutors say. ... Apparently, word is spreading in the cybercrime
underworld that 3D printers produce flawless skimmer devices with
exacting precision. Last year, i-materialize [1]blogged about receiving a
client's order for building a card skimmer. In June, a federal court
indicted four men from South Texas whom authorities say had reinvested
the profits from skimming scams to purchase a 3D printer."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://krebsonsecurity.com/2011/09/gang-used-3d-printers-for-atm-skimmers/
1. http://i.materialise.com/blog/entry/attention-atm-skimming-device
| Comcast Launches Program For Low-Income Families
| from the internet-for-the-people dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @14:35 (The Internet)
| with 201 comments
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1735257/Comcast-Launches-Program-For-Low-Income-Families?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
wasimkadak writes "Comcast rolled out its Internet Essentials program
nationwide today, offering low-income families in its service territory
[0]$10/month Internet connections and access to $150 computers. Any
family with at least one child who qualifies for the free lunch program
at public schools can subscribe to a low-speed (1.5Mbps) Comcast Internet
connection for $9.95 a month. Comcast guarantees that it won't raise the
price and offers the plan without equipment rental or activation fees.
Subscribers also cannot have 'an overdue Comcast bill or unreturned
equipment,' and they can't have had Comcast Internet in the last 90
Discuss this story at:
| OnStar Terms and Conditions Update Raises Privacy Concerns
| from the we-don't-need-this-kind-of-help dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday September 20, @22:08 (Privacy)
| with 180 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/003259/OnStar-Terms-and-Conditions-Update-Raises-Privacy-Concerns?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
PainMeds writes "An article by author Jonathan Zdziarski reveals that
OnStar has recently updated their [0]terms and conditions to allow the
company to [1]sell customer GPS coordinates, vehicle speed, and other
information to third party marketers and analytics companies, where it
could be used for a number of nefarious purposes. He says, 'To add insult
to a slap in the face, the company insists they will continue collecting
and selling this personal information even after you cancel your service,
unless you specifically shut down the data connection to the vehicle
after canceling. ... It sounds as though OnStar is poising part of their
analytics department to be purchased by a large data warehousing company,
such as a Google, or perhaps even an Apple. Do you trust such companies
with unfettered access to the entire GPS history of your vehicle?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.onstar.com/tunnel-web/webdav/portal/document_library/downloadable/PrivacyStatement-2011-USE.pdf
1. http://www.zdziarski.com/blog/?p=1270
| Adobe Releases Flash 11 and AIR 3
| from the is-this-what-death-sounds-like dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @12:23 (Apple)
| with 165 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1559246/Adobe-Releases-Flash-11-and-AIR-3?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]iamrmani writes "Software maker Adobe Systems has [1]launched Flash
Player 11 and Adobe AIR 3 even as the industry is shifting to HTML 5 on
the Web that lessens the reliance of developers on Flash." The Register
has a [2]bit more to say about Adobe's repositioning of Flash for games
as a competetive strategy.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.ibtimes.com/
1. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/217522/20110921/adobe-systems-flash-platform-air-mobile-technology-mobile-industry-mobile-and-wireless-android-html5.htm
2. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/21/adobe_flash_11_uncertain_future/
| Microsoft Ousts IE Mobile Manager For Revealing Nokia Phone Details
| from the don't-drink-and-tweet dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @09:36 (Handhelds)
| with 154 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/131219/Microsoft-Ousts-IE-Mobile-Manager-For-Revealing-Nokia-Phone-Details?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
suraj.sun writes with an article in CNet concerning the axing of a
Microsoft employee for revealing a few too many details about the
upcoming Nokia Windows Phone. From the article: "...Joe Marini, who
worked as a Seattle-based principal program manager on the Windows Phone
team, tweeted: 'I just got a chance to try out one of the slickest
looking #Nokia phones I have ever seen. Soon, you will too!' The tweet
contained a Windows Phone 7 hashtag, #WP7. Marini sent subsequent tweets
about the device, including one that rated it an '8' and another that
said 'the camera was good, but I didn't have optimal lighting.' ...
[0]Marini stepped down after being informed that he would be let go for
violating Microsoft's [1]social-media and blogging policy (PDF) "
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-20109152-75/microsoft-employees-phone-tweet-leads-to-ouster/
1. http://socialmediagovernance.com/MSFT_Social_Media_Policy.pdf
| HP Begins Laying Off WebOS Developers, Potentially Firing CEO
| from the obama-weeps-gently dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @11:40 (HP)
| with 154 comments
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1517233/HP-Begins-Laying-Off-WebOS-Developers-Potentially-Firing-CEO?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]MrCrassic writes "Looks like it might be the beginning of the end for
webOS presence at HP, as The Register announced that they laid off 525
webOS developers." From the article: "HP is [1]laying off up to 525 staff
from its global webOS hardware biz, according to reports. The tech titan
confirmed last month it is shuttering the unit that produced the
ill-fated TouchPad and Pre3 devices. 'As communicated on 18 August, HP
will discontinue the development of webOS devices within the fourth
quarter of fiscal year 2011, which ends 31 Oct 2011,' an HP spokesperson
told AllThingsD in the US." So far it looks like just the hardware
designers are being let go. The HP board happens to be [2]meeting today,
possibly to discuss [3]firing the current CEO for failing to improve the
company's financial prospects.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://moc.liamgtacissarcrm/
1. http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2011/09/20/hp_layoffs/
2. http://allthingsd.com/20110921/hp-board-meets-after-palm-turmoil-so-whats-the-next-shoe-to-drop/
3. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-21/hp-s-board-is-said-to-weigh-ousting-apotheker-after-less-than-year-as-ceo.html
| Walmart Goes Solar In California
| from the price-drop-on-the-sun dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @19:29 (Power)
| with 138 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/2246205/Walmart-Goes-Solar-In-California?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]tekgoblin writes "Walmart today has announced that it plans to
[1]install solar panels on more than 75 percent of its stores in the
state. From the article: 'When completed, Walmart���s solar commitment in
California is expected to generate up to 70 million kilowatt hours of
clean, renewable energy per year, which is equal to powering more than
5,400 homes. It will also avoid producing more than 21,700 metric tons of
carbon dioxide emissions per year, which is equal to 4,100 cars off the
road and provide 20 to 30 percent of each facility���s total electric
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.tekgoblin.com/
1. http://www.tekgoblin.com/2011/09/21/walmart-appeals-to-california-liberals-with-solar-movement/
| Patent Attorney Breaks Down Impact of the America Invents Act
| from the ensuring-patent-lawyers-have-work dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @10:58 (Patents)
| with 133 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/149257/Patent-Attorney-Breaks-Down-Impact-of-the-America-Invents-Act?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
msmoriarty writes "As you probably heard, on Friday the Obama
administration [0]signed the America Invents Act, which changed our
system to 'first to file.' Support for the bill itself was split in the
tech industry: Microsoft and IBM (among others) supported the act, Google
and Apple opposed it. Redmondmag asked a patent attorney to [1]explain in
detail the act and what impact he thinks it will have on the tech
industry. According to him, there are still many open questions. From the
article: 'The Act has not accomplished [first to file] harmonization in a
straightforward or unambiguous way. For example, it is not clear whether
a prior use or offer for sale of an invention by an inventor or joint
inventor within a year of the date of filing would be render the
invention unpatentable.' He also said that the act clearly favors larger
corporations, and he doubts it will speed up the patent process itself,
which was one of its intended benefits."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/16/1437218/Obama-To-Sign-America-Invents-Act-of-2011-Today
1. http://redmondmag.com/articles/2011/09/20/impact-of-america-invents-on-tech.aspx
| Apple Too Big For the Dow Jones Industrial Average
| from the we're-gonna-need-a-bigger-stock-ticker dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @18:48 (Businesses)
| with 129 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/2141229/Apple-Too-Big-For-the-Dow-Jones-Industrial-Average?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Apple is clearly the hottest tech stock on
the market right now and the company is clearly at the vanguard of
technological innovation. Consequently, many have wondered why Apple
isn't part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). As it turns out,
[0]Apple's astronomical share price effectively prohibits the company
from joining the DJIA as it would [1]disproportionately influence the
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-20/apple-s-stock-price-is-too-high-for-inclusion-in-dow-average-bespoke-says.html
1. http://www.edibleapple.com/apple-is-too-big-for-the-dow-jones-industrial-average/
| Augmented Reality's Disruptive Potential
| from the staking-claims-on-meatspace-overlays dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday September 20, @20:02 (Cellphones)
| with 120 comments
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/09/20/2329214/Augmented-Realitys-Disruptive-Potential?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]pbahra writes "A company called Layar, based in Amsterdam, is working
on products that take augmented reality in a slightly different
direction. They provide a platform that allows anyone to build an AR app.
Consider these ideas: you can use your mobile phone's camera to view the
world; your phone knows where you are and what you are looking at. The
implications are profound. One of the most interesting apps that someone
produced was a virtual tee-shirt shop. It was placed in the 20 most
expensive shopping streets in the world, selling t-shirts. Stop and think
about that for a minute. He [1]built a virtual shop where a real one
already existed. His shop was accessible via a mobile phone, while the
real one was accessible through, well, being real. Real space and its
virtual overlay are being used by different people. There will be
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:parminder.bahra@wsj.com
1. http://blogs.wsj.com/tech-europe/2011/09/20/dutch-augmented-reality-start-up-ready-to-disrupt-business/
| Microsoft Dumps Partner For Fake Support Call Scam
| from the don't-let-the-door-hit-you-on-the-way-out dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @19:08 (Security)
| with 115 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/2237207/Microsoft-Dumps-Partner-For-Fake-Support-Call-Scam?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Microsoft has broken its relationship with
one of its Gold Partners, after it [0]discovered that the partner was
involved in a scam involving bogus tech support calls. India-based
Comantra is said to have cold-called computer users in the UK, Australia,
Canada and elsewhere, claiming to offer assistance in cleaning up virus
infections. The calls used scare tactics to talk users into opening the
Event Viewer on Windows, where a seemingly dangerous list of errors would
be seen. This 'evidence' was used to trick innocent users into believing
they had a malware infection, and for Comantra to gain the users'
confidence. Duped users would then give permission for the support
company to have remote access to their PC, and hand over their credit
card details for a 'fix.' Security firm Sophos says that internet users
have been complaining about Comantra's activities for over 18 months, and
it has taken a long time for Microsoft to take action. Comantra's website
still retains the Gold Certified Partner logo, although their details
have been removed from Microsoft's database of approved partners."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/370054/microsoft-dumps-partner-over-support-call-scam
| Fukushima: Myth of Safety, Reality of Geoscience
| from the getting-the-low-down dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @17:52 (News)
| with 112 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/2023217/Fukushima-Myth-of-Safety-Reality-of-Geoscience?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' has
published a special Fukushima issue with interesting/deep/new pieces
written by leading experts on the nuclear disaster in Japan. [0]
Fukushima: The myth of safety, the reality of geoscience, which shows
that in the decades after the nuclear plant was built, the authorities
discovered historical records that showed Fukushima was vulnerable to a
giant tsunami, but they did nothing to protect the plant. But there's a
globalized twist to the issue: The Bulletin has also [1]translated these
lengthy expert analyses of the disaster into Japanese. As Bulletin editor
Mindy Kay Bricker explains: 'Those in genuine need of erudite analysis
are, of course, those directly affected by the Fukushima disaster, the
Japanese population. Stellar coverage by Western news outlets might win
awards, but what is the point if those who most deserve the information
never benefit from reading it?'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://bos.sagepub.com/content/67/5/37.full
1. http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/special-topics/the-fukushima-issue-japanese
| Amazon To Offer Kindle ebooks Via Public Libraries
| from the adapt-or-die dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @15:20 (Books)
| with 105 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1835255/Amazon-To-Offer-Kindle-ebooks-Via-Public-Libraries?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
destinyland writes "Amazon announced this morning that they're making
[0]Kindle ebooks available for free in America through 11,000 local
public libraries. 'We're thrilled that Amazon is offering such a new
approach to library ebook...' said one Seattle's librarian, and one
Kindle blog [1]listed out the top advantages to having them available in
Discuss this story at:
0. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=176060&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1608874&highlight=
1. http://www.beyond-black-friday.com/2011/09/21/kindle-ebooks-from-your-public-library-the-8-biggest-advantages/
| Julian Assange's Unauthorized Autobiography
| from the unleash-the-biography dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @16:02 (Books)
| with 100 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1846218/Julian-Assanges-Unauthorized-Autobiography?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
macwhizkid writes "After [0]signing a major book deal for his
autobiography, Julian Assange backed out (allegedly worrying about
self-incrimination) but failed to return his ��500,000 advance payment.
The publisher is understandably unhappy with this outcome, and intends to
[1]publish the 'world's first unauthorized autobiography' from an early
draft Assange submitted. The book will be in stores tomorrow, but I'm
still hoping it'll be published early on WikiLeaks..."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/12/27/1312222/Assange-Has-Signed-Book-Deals-Worth-15-Million
1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/sep/21/julian-assange-autobiography-published-canongate
| <em>Diablo III</em> Beta Begins
| from the stay-awhile-and-listen dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @01:33 (Role Playing (Games))
| with 95 comments
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/0525236/Diablo-III-Beta-Begins?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
dotarray writes "Diablo III really can't be that far off now. Blizzard
has just announced that [0]the closed beta test for the game has kicked
off ��� meaning you can start [1]checking your inboxes for an invitation
now." The expanded Friends&Family test had been underway for a week or
so, but now gaming sites are getting invitations. Of course, given the
popularity of Diablo III, phishers are out in force with fake beta
invites. For those who opted-in, the best way to check is to simply log
in to your battle.net account. The beta is limited in terms of content ���
it only includes the first couple hours worth of play in Act 1 ��� but all
five classes are available for play. There's no NDA, so plenty of
commentary has sprung up already. Rock, Paper, Shotgun has [2]early
impressions of the Demon Hunter. Blizzard has also [3]created a skill
calculator for anyone who wants to play around with character builds
ahead of time. The beta will be expanding in waves as they ramp up
stability tests.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/3542796
1. http://www.gamepron.com/news/2011/09/20/diablo-iii-closed-beta-has-begun/
2. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/09/21/diablo-iii-incredibly-early-impressions/
3. http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian
| NASA Looking To Power Spacecraft With Lasers
| from the everything-is-better-with-lasers dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @05:15 (NASA)
| with 85 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/0510223/NASA-Looking-To-Power-Spacecraft-With-Lasers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
msmoriarty writes "NASA has decided to develop methods for using lasers
and/or microwave energy to '[0]provide external power on demand for
aerospace vehicles' as part of its '[1]Game-Changing' technology
development program. According to the announcement, 'The project will
attempt to develop a low-cost, modular power beaming capability and
explore multiple technologies to function as receiving elements of the
beamed power. This combination of technologies could be applied to space
propulsion, performance and endurance of unpiloted aerial vehicles or
ground-to-ground power beaming applications. Development of such
capabilities fulfills NASA's strategic goal of developing high payoff
technology and enabling missions otherwise unachievable with today's
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2011/sep/HQ_11-310_Game_Changing.html
1. http://www.nasa.gov/offices/oct/game_changing_technology/index.html
| Justification For Canadian Copyright Reform Revealed
| from the sanity-is-forbidden dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @10:15 (Canada)
| with 85 comments
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1325249/Justification-For-Canadian-Copyright-Reform-Revealed?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Michael Geist has used the Canadian freedom
of information act to obtain a [0]secret ministerial document on Canadian
copyright reform that [1]provides the government position on virtually
every controversial issue from last year's Bill C-32. The government has
no good explanation for its DMCA approach and calls provisions requiring
the destruction of course materials part of an 'essential balance.' On
the US piracy watch list, it says 'Canada does not recognize the validity
of the Special 301 process and considers it to be flawed. The Report does
not employ a clear methodology in its country ranking, as it relies on
industry allegations rather than empirical evidence and analysis.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.scribd.com/doc/65726239/c32ministerqanda
1. http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6017/125/
| Storing Hydrogen At Room Temperature
| from the not-that-cool dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @18:35 (Power)
| with 81 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/2134231/Storing-Hydrogen-At-Room-Temperature?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
cylonlover writes "Hydrogen storage, along with hydrogen production and
the lack of infrastructure, remains a major stumbling block in efforts to
usher in hydrogen as a replacement for hydrocarbon-based fuels in cars,
trucks and even homes. But with the multiple advantages hydrogen offers,
developing hydrogen storage solutions has been the focus of a great deal
of research. Now an MIT-led research team has demonstrated a method that
could allow hydrogen to be [0]stored inexpensively at room temperature."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.gizmag.com/room-temperature-hydrogen-storage/19894/
| Massachusetts Attorney General, Victim of iTunes Fraud
| from the poking-the-bear dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @17:08 (Security)
| with 77 comments
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/206238/Massachusetts-Attorney-General-Victim-of-iTunes-Fraud?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
chicksdaddy writes "Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said on
Tuesday that her office would be inquiring into long-standing complaints
about fraudulent purchases that leverage Apple's popular online music
store. Coakley was herself a victim of identity theft in recent months,
telling the audience that [0]her stolen credit card information was used
to make fraudulent iTunes purchases. When asked (by a Threatpost
reporter) about whether such fraud constitutes a reportable event under
the Bay State's strict data breach notification law, 201 CMR 17, Coakley
said that her office would be looking into that question and demanding
answers from Cupertino, which has steadfastly refused to respond to media
requests regarding user reports about fraudulent iTunes purchases, and
which has not reported the breaches to Massachusetts regulators."
Discuss this story at:
| Pakistan Seeks To Block Facebook Again
| from the no-farmville-for-you dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @15:37 (Facebook)
| with 71 comments
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1853220/Pakistan-Seeks-To-Block-Facebook-Again?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Mightee writes "Pakistan, which was in the news last year for blocking
Facebook over a 'Draw Mohammad Day' competition, is [1]seeking to ban the
social network again due to the second round of the same competition,
reports Pakistan Today. Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed, presiding over the
Lahore High Court, ordered the Ministry of Information and Technology to
block access to Facebook nationwide on the charge of 'spreading religious
hatred on the Internet.' The court also directed the ministry to police
the Internet and block all other websites that were found guilty of the
same charge, but it spared search engines like Google (which it is
targeting for other reasons)."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.gizmocrazed.com/
1. http://thenextweb.com/asia/2011/09/20/pakistan-seeks-to-block-facebook-again-over-%E2%80%9Cdraw-mohammad-day%E2%80%9D-group/
| <em>Gears of War 3</em> Released
| from the dudes-with-guns dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @06:37 (First Person Shooters (Games))
| with 63 comments
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/0557238/Gears-of-War-3-Released?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
The third installment of Gears of War was released yesterday, [0]ending
the story arc that began almost five years ago. Early response to the
game has been favorable, and most reviews agree that it's the best of the
series. The Guardian's write-up says the story and the voice-acting
[1]got some needed attention this time around. Eurogamer [2]praised the
improvements to multiplayer and highlighted the intensity of the action
sequences, but also mentioned the "annoyance" of being rather rigidly
limited when it came to exploring and deviating from scripted events. The
Digital Foundry blog [3]examined the tech underpinning Gears of War 3,
finding all the advances you'd expect out of a big-budget title, and a
few spots where it bumps up against the hardware limitations of the aging
Xbox 360.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/6489/the_end_of_a_saga_cliff_.php?page=1
1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2011/sep/15/gears-of-war-3-game-review
2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-09-14-gears-of-war-3-review
3. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-vs-gears-of-war-3
| Deep-Sea Squid Mate and Run
| from the disappear-before-morning dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @11:19 (Science)
| with 61 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1253207/Deep-Sea-Squid-Mate-and-Run?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
sciencehabit writes with a piece about deep sea squid in Science. Quoting
the article: "Like actors in a scene from a bawdy farce, [0]many squid
don't know whom to woo when the lights go down. Deep in California's
Monterey Bay, small squid belonging to the species Octopoteuthis deletron
suffer from frequent cases of mistaken identity, a new study suggests.
Males commonly try to mate with males as well as females, hinting that in
the dark, these invertebrates may settle for whatever squid passes by.
But their indiscriminate attention might improve the odds that they are
occasionally successful."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/09/deep-sea-squid-mate-indiscrimina.html?ref=hp
| Self-Powered Microbial Fuel Cell Produces Hydrogen
| from the much-easier-than-harvesting-the-sun dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday September 20, @21:06 (Biotech)
| with 57 comments
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/09/20/2351237/Self-Powered-Microbial-Fuel-Cell-Produces-Hydrogen?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]donberryman writes "Researchers from Penn State have shown how
microbial fuel cells can [1]produce hydrogen without the need for an
external source of electricity to power the process. It uses
reverse-electrodialysis to [2]capture energy from the difference in
salinity between salt water and freshwater ([3]abstract). Study co-author
Bruce Logan explained the significance of the work: 'The breakthrough
here is that we do not need to use an electrical power source anymore to
provide a little energy into the system. All we need to do is add some
fresh water and some salt water and some membranes, and the electrical
potential that is there can provide that power.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://jazzpolice.com/
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-14976893
2. http://live.psu.edu/story/55172#rss49
3. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2011/09/12/1106335108.abstract
| Adobe Pushes Emergency Flash Player Security Fix
| from the slap-on-the-patch dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @17:33 (Security)
| with 46 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/2011204/Adobe-Pushes-Emergency-Flash-Player-Security-Fix?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
wiredmikey writes "As expected, Adobe today released a [0]security update
for its Flash Player. The out of cycle update addresses [1]critical
security issues in flash player as well as an important universal
cross-site scripting issue. Adobe reported that one of the
vulnerabilities (CVE-2011-2444) is being exploited in the wild in active
targeted attacks designed to trick the user into clicking on a malicious
link delivered in an email message. To illustrate the importance of
keeping systems up to date, including Adobe Flash products, the fact that
the RSA cyber attack was executed using a spear phishing attack with an
embedded flash file should serve as a friendly reminder. RSA was breached
after an employee opened a spreadsheet that [2]contained a zero-day
exploit that installed a backdoor through an Adobe Flash vulnerability."
Discuss this story at:
0. https://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb11-26.html
1. http://www.securityweek.com/adobe-pushes-emergency-flash-player-security-fix
2. http://blogs.rsa.com/rivner/anatomy-of-an-attack/
| NASA Announces Space Apps Challenge
| from the discover-aliens-for-fun-and-profit dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday September 21, @13:07 (NASA)
| with 38 comments
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1642258/NASA-Announces-Space-Apps-Challenge?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]coondoggie writes with an article in Network World about a development
challenge put forth by NASA. From the article: "NASA said it would host
an open source-based application competition that it [1]hopes will
deliver a new generation of software that can address space, weather and
economic issues. NASA said it will coordinate with other interested space
agencies around the world on an [2]International Space Apps Challenge
that will encourage scientists and concerned citizens from all seven
continents ��� and in space ��� to create, build, and invent new applications
that can address world-class issues."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:mcooney@nww.com
1. http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/nasa-unbolts-open-source-space-applications-c
2. http://open.nasa.gov/appschallenge/
| EFF System To Warn of Certificate Breaches
| from the early-warning-system dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @16:47 (Security)
| with 31 comments
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1939259/EFF-System-To-Warn-of-Certificate-Breaches?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]snydeq writes "With its distributed SSL Observatory, the [1]Electronic
Frontier Foundation hopes to detect compromised certificate authorities
and warn users about attacks, InfoWorld reports. 'The EEF, along with
developers at the Tor Project and consulting firm iSec Partners, has
updated its existing [2]HTTPS Everywhere program with the ability to
anonymously report every certificate encountered. The group will analyze
the data so that it can detect any rogue certificates ��� and by extension,
compromised authorities ��� its users encounter, says Peter Eckersley,
technology projects director for the EFF.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.infoworld.com/
1. http://www.infoworld.com/t/encryption/eff-builds-system-warn-certificate-breaches-173602
2. http://www.eff.org/https-everywhere
| Book Review: Digital Evidence and Computer Crime
| from the read-all-about-it dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday September 21, @18:15 (Book Reviews)
| with 26 comments
| https://books.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/1955231/Book-Review-Digital-Evidence-and-Computer-Crime?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]brothke writes "When it comes to a physical crime scene and the
resulting forensics, investigators can ascertain that a crime took place
and gather the necessary evidence. When it comes to digital crime, the
evidence is often at the byte level, deep in the magnetics of digital
media, initially invisible from the human eye. That is just one of the
challenges of digital forensics, where it is easy to destroy crucial
evidence, and often difficult to preserve correctly." Read on for the
rest of Ben's review.
This story continues at:
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:brothke@hotmail.com
| Wikimedia Foundation Releases Their Server Config
| from the sharing-expertise dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday September 21, @03:26 (Software)
| with 20 comments
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/09/21/0531246/Wikimedia-Foundation-Releases-Their-Server-Config?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "The Wikimedia Foundation has [0]released
their Puppet configuration in a [1]public git repository. They describe
this as the first step in a project called Wikimedia Test/Dev Labs,
letting users participate in the operations of Wikipedia and other
Wikimedia Foundation sites."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://blog.wikimedia.org/2011/09/19/ever-wondered-how-the-wikimedia-servers-are-configured/
1. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=operations%2Fpuppet.git
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