Welcome to Care2.com!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dear Windi:  Thank you for joining Care2—with over 16 million members we’re the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.  We make it easy for you to support the environment, human rights, wildlife, education, healthy living, women’s rights and much more… all in one place!  You registered:  Log-in Name:     windiaink Name:            Windi Aink Care2 email:     none External email:  wellimauludani@gmail.com  ** Please save this email for future reference.  It contains your registered login name, and email address.   ********** A FEW POINTERS TO GET YOU STARTED  **********   There is a wealth of things to do and learn about on Care2. Below are just the highlights.  We hope you’ll take the time to explore each time you visit!  1. CARE2 GROUPS—Get connected.  Meet people who share    your interests.  http://www.care2.com/c2c/groups     2. CLICK TO DONATE—Free!  Help good causes with a click of    a button.  Go to http://www.care2.com/click2donate/ and    generate donations for the environment, wildlife, the    rainforest, the ocean, children and more.   3. DAILY ACTIONS—Simple ideas for making a difference each    day.  http://www.care2.com/dailyaction/  4. E-CARDS—Send an eCard.  Save a square foot of    rainforest for each card sent!    http://www.care2.com/ecards/  5. THE PETITION SITE—Change the world with a click of    a mouse. Start a petition in 3 easy steps, or sign a    petition to support an important cause.    http://www.thepetitionsite.com/  6. NEWS NETWORK—News stories and videos on topics you    care about.  http://www.care2.com/news/  7. HEALTHY & GREEN LIVING—Thousands of tips on living    a healthy & green lifestyle.    http://www.care2.com/greenliving/  8. PHOTO SHARING—Unlimited storage capacity!  Upload    and share photos with family and friends.    http://www.care2.com/c2c/photos/  9. SHOPPING—Eco-friendly products from our partner    Gaiam.  Get special deals and offers.    http://www.care2.com/shopping/  10. E-MAIL ACCOUNTS—5GB free storage, FREE!     http://www.care2.com/mail.html  11. CUSTOMIZED NEWSLETTERS—Information your way on     what’s important to you.     http://www.care2.com/newsletters/   OTHER HELPFUL AREAS  Help Center http://www.care2.com/help/   My Account http://www.care2.com/c2c/my/edit_basics.html   Care2 Vision http://www.care2.com/aboutus/index.html   Oh, did we mention we donate 5% of our website advertising revenues (not just profits!) to nonprofit organizations?  In addition to helping you make a difference, we’re “walking the walk” every day.    Thank you for making a difference through Care2,  The Care2 Team      ------------------------------------------------------------ This email is intended solely for new Care2 members.  If you did not sign up for an account and/or believe you have received this email in error, please contact us using our help form: http://www.care2.com/help/support  Please note that we will never sell or distribute your email address to junk-mailers. ------------------------------------------------------------  Care2—The largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.  Over 16 million members strong! http://www.care2.com 

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